@Electra phil,
Binah, forming a triad with Kochma and Keter, balances three forces: Spiritual love and awareness (Binah), Spiritual will and purpose (Kochma), and the infinite realized self (Keter). These three spheres could be compared to the 'Father, Son, and Holy Ghost' in the Christian pantheon.
Kochma (right silver) is the wisdom beyond reason. Spiritual leaders and people who inspire us can embody this quality.
Potentials of Kochma: Developing purpose and initiative, manifesting the universal plan in the world, genius, logos, pure spirit, transformation.
Kochma is the first real manifestation of
en soph, containing the ideal plan of all the worlds. Kochma is pure, undifferentiated mind, before words - the tools of differentiation. With words come the "olam ha pirud," the "world of distinctions."
Oceanic Consciousness / Wisdom / Revelation / Light / Memory
Binah (left black) is the the realm of pure understanding. It is the feminine component of deity, the home of 'peak' experiences. It is the first sphere of the transpersonal realm, after crossing the abyss. Binah is restrictive - the hand of 'God' that takes away. BINAH, or "Understanding," is the first sphere after the abyss; It is the beginning of the spiritual realm, on the same level as KOCHMA, balancing the highest energies in readiness for KETER.
Understanding / Reason / Intelligence / Language
The supernal Mother. The Womb.
The Infinite (Top, White)
Keter's planet is
Divine ideal wisdom / Will / Inspiration / Spirit
Keter is the source of all, including the things as yet unmanifest. Stabilizing consciousness at this sphere is the goal of human evolution. KETER, or "The Infinite," is the crown of the tree, the peak of the spiritual realm, the assimilation of all spiritual work. It is the place where the pure energy first extends into the world and becomes recognizable as tangible reality.
[INDENT]"The ignorant man goes no further than the concept of God as an old man with a long beard who sat on a golden throne and gave orders for creation. The scientist will go back a little further before he is compelled to draw a veil called the ether; and the philosopher will go yet further before he draws a veil called the Absolute; but the initiate will go back furthest of all because he has learnt to do his thinking in symbols, and symbols are to the mind what tools are to the hand -an extended application of its powers. ... (Esotericists) do not try to explain to the mind that which the mind is not equipped to deal with; they give it a series of symbols to meditate upon, and these enable it to build the staircase of realisation step by step and to climb where it cannot fly. The mind can no more grasp transcendental philosophy than the eye can see music." [/INDENT]
[INDENT]The Mystical Qabalah, 1935, pp. 30-31, 29[/INDENT]
ifdawn.com | The Tree of Life (The Original, since 1994)[/INDENT][INDENT]
Transcendental Philosophy
What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.