We are all afraid of what we cannot see.
No-one can see everything.
We all have a blind spot.
So accepting faith as your blind spot,
you are less afraid of the darkness,
that surrounds everything and you.
Some even see light at the end of their darkness.
With faith is at least trying to see more,
trying not to be scared of the blindness even welcoming it.
Imagine if you will that you are only as blind as the light you cannot imagine.
Faith then becomes only an imagining?
As much or as little as all any reality is imagined.
John Milton was blind but he still questioned and found more to imagine into reality. Some might say he found more because he could not see.
Willing to believe everything as long as it gives me visions even if the eyes still cant see past my nose.
Willing to believe anything as long as it gives me a truth no matter how singular and personal.
I am not sure i fall into this bracket of 'blind faith' as a good and strong faith needs to be questioned daily, by my view anyway.
Am i more or less blind than you for not seeing as much or less than you?
It could be possible that i see in the dark where you only see shadows, just as you may not even be afraid of the dark.
We each have our own illuminaries or blindfolds.
We only see as far as we can perceive believe.
I am no further or behind you because of what i believe and you dont, or what you perceive and i dont.
Each just trying not to be afriad of our own darknesses.
When will we all realise that darkness is just as dark for any or all of us.
Some are less afraid of it though.
Just as some welcome it.
Each ot their own.
Faith may be for some a way to less fear,
you wouldn't want to take that away from anyone would you?
you wouldn't want there to be fear where there need not be any?