My posts have sufficiant and clear references to answer the questions posed by you, if you are not familiar with anything Ive stated then I suggest you do some research. You always make it clear full examples bore you so I took your advice and cut to the point!
''us, along with the americans had to rescue your batterd army, and after the war we had to fill your workforce.'' Quote CUT2THEPOINT
This is completly wrong, 1940-The Battle of Britain successfully secured our land against the Nazis perminantly putting on hold operation Sealion. And the defiance of the British people dueing the Blitz only stands as a testament to our greatness in the face of terror. The US didnt want to get involved in the war ''its not our problem, and doesnt concern the free people of the united states''-a quote from a congressman when Sir Winston Church visited the US trying to form an alliance, warning of the future of NAZI expantion. Though President Rosevelt did want to, he was over-ruled by the senate unanimously. The British continued with their war, alone, at home, in comando raides on Nazi facillities, Airbourne attacks, in North Africa and around the world, not to mention at sea. It wasnt until 1941, December, that Japan decleared war on the US and forced them into the war-proving Sir Churchill to be right. The British went on to command many theaters of warfare espeacialy in North Africa where Lord Montgomery lead British forces against the mighty mechanised Panser devisions of Field Marshal Rommel and defieted him leading to the fall of crete and eventually the liberation of Italy from Nazi influence. Many other battles and operations occured led and won souly by British forces which show they were never beaten. If your refering to Dunkirk, it was just an expeditionary force who went to help the french, and alone to uphold the Treaty of Versialle, alone.
The Indian army were and are today an afficiant and fine fighting force with a warriors heart. They earned more VCs in history than any other country because of this.But they were at the time the British army themselves, with British Officers, with British training, so it was actually their proper roll under the British crown.
To refer to the replenishing of the workforce as though it is a shame on Britain is wrong as it belittles the sacrifice and hard work made by the British people not only to make Britain great but the lives they lost to fight, at home and away against the tyrany of the Nazis. Respect of this is important.
'the pakistan state was formed by britain leting them have it. And now we are at constant threat of nuclear attack' Quote CUT2THEPOINT
Get your history book out. The ruling class of India didnt want the British to give India independance, as they enjoyed the Emperal connections, the soverignity and control over the masses. Gandi however had other plans, he campaigned for this right to self rule and continually patitioned the British Government to do this. Churchill said it was a bad idea (he may have had a point, he always did). When eventually it came, the majority muslim population layed claim to having their own piece of the land to rule. As they migrated north and the hindus, sikhs and christians moved south millions were slaughtered by each other, creating the begining of the hatred for each other. Yes the Pakistanis do threaten India with nukes, but so do India to Pakistan. Kashmir anyone? The west are in the same situation as India and Pakistan we have nukes pointing at us aswell (Russia and China) but we do the same to them! So whats your point?
'and soon found out that "GREAT BRITAIN" was not so great after all as we sufferd terrible racism and hardship to get where we are today' Quote CUT2THEPOINT
If you think Britain isnt Great based on your experiances of 'suffering terrible racism and hardship' then Im sorry for this. Though I will add that I can list many other countries that are far worse than here, try appartide in south Africa, or russia,or even the US.
This country is so tollarent and left wing in its approach to cultural relations that its hard to see any proof of this. I live in a typical English town, with many cultual differences, and I never see race as an issue anywhere. You make it sound like the KKK run your naighbourhood watch.
'the terrible state the real impirialists left my mother nation!' Quote CUT2THEPOINT
My sympathy for any harm done to you or your family, and I agree that Imperialism is a cruel thing. To tell you what the reasons were for your family to come to England and what you suffered in the process is not my place to do so, I may just suggest possible aspects to the debate. India has an awesome herritage, achievments on every intellectual level and masters of medical and mathamatical advancment (they invented the concept of 'zero'). But I will say I dont agree with the above quote. India has a caste system, and millions of people are illiterate, along with a lack of general knowledge conserning the spread of disease (Ganges, feeding of rats in worship of the particular gods, poverty ect). Britain has give Indians here the oppotunity of individualism back in their home land. Eduction, and other institutions has enabled millions to become what they would not have been without Britain. Need I say more?
'I also asked you what is your alternative to the current political system that gives us an 'illusion' of freedom as you put it.' Quote CUT2THEPOINT
This country is not free becuase of the government imposing draconian laws. For example, we can be arrested just so the police can aquire our personal information and DNA-fact. It is a criminal offence to protest anywhere without applying for permission from the police first. The police can detain anybody they want without evidence for as long as they want. Soon its going to be illigal to make any kind of political statment particuly on blogs. To oppose these laws and others like it you can be arrested under the terrorism act. All public enquiries are to be controlled by the Government and the minister of that department of the day are allowed to sensor and withdraw anything from it, all this is fact! What did we fight the Nazis for? And then theirs the issues with 'freedom of speach' and when we are told we cant speak, and the passing of laws and legislations without being given the vote that my ancestors forght for? Hence the 'illusion'.
I could comment on other statments you have made but this is more than enough, for now!