Justin wrote:If that's what you perceive it to be. That's very far off of what I was saying though.
Then please be clearer.
What is the alternative to the addiction to food, shelter, income, etc?
I have lived without food.
I have lived without shelter.
I have lived without income.
I tried it.
Did you?
How did you like it?
What is the alternative to the addiction to fear, anxiety, insecurity, guilt, etc?
I have lived without fear.
I have lived without anxiety.
I have lived without guilt.
Did you?
How did you like it?
How did you get on like that?
What is the alternative to the addiction to sex, taste, etc?
I have lived without sex.
I have lived without taste.
I tried it.
Did you?
How did you like it?
What is the alternative to the addiction to prestige, wealth, pride and so on?
I have lived without prestige.
I have lived without wealth.
I have lived without pride.
I have lived without control.
I have lived without manipulation.
Did you?
How did you like it?
How did your family like it?
I never saw my Mother for ten years before she died, a matter of fact, not perception, because
my Higher Consciousness was so short of these normal qualities of life that we no longer had enough in common.
She was rather terrified of me for being so strange, and much the same goes for my brothers and their kids, and my father.
Their small talk bores me to tears, and I am sorry that it does.
I wish I could remember what it was like to be normal, ordinary.
--- RH.