Isa wrote:Hi Boagie,
It seems from this statement, that truth does not reside in the object nor does it reside in the subjective meaning, but rather it resides in the relationship between subject and object.
The initial subjective experience (simple sensory perception) does not have a conclusion, only when one attends to and makes an inference about the perception is there a conclusion. When reading a book, and attending to the reading, you still perceive the light coming off the pages. You may make conclusions about what you are reading, but not about the light that is simply a sensory perception. Once you are attending to the light, you may attempt to make some inferences about some property of light, and then conclusions come into play.
Let's use an example from Descartes: an individual is cut off from all sensory perception with only thought left (and has never known anything other than this state); what can this person discern for them self as to what is true or false about the relationship they have with the physical world as object?
It seems that though meaning is given by the subject, whether this meaning is true or false depends on how the subjective meaning corresponds to the relationship with the objective reality. So it seems that truth, at least in part, resides outside of the subject.
Hi Isa,

You sure are getting a handle on this! The individual that you pose here, cannot have known no other state, with complete sensory deprivation one would self-destruct. In total sensor deprivation, the relationship with the subject is cut off from object, the individual or subject would not be able to discern anything, and kept in this state would perish. The material experience of the objective world you might say is the fuel of the mind, without any experience whatsoever there could be no thought process.
"So it seems that truth, at least in part, resides outside of the subject."quote

This is the finer point, a true or false conclusion on the part of a subject is a conclusion about his relationship to object, it is hot, hard or small depending for the concept of hot, hard or small relative to the temperature of the individual, the permability of the individual or the stature of the individual. There is only large or small by comparison, there is only hot and cold, soft and hard by comparison too the subject, and/or the subjects judgement between two objects.

You are correct though. A judgement is tested by testing again the subjects relation to the objective or physical world, if it does not aline with what has been concluded by the first impression then it is false, but it is false again by a subjective evalution of the relation between it/subject and the object. The objective world is the touch stone you might say, for both the first impression and the double checking with the objective world for assurance.-------still not infalliable! The KEY to understanding really is to realize the bases of all reality is relational, relation is reality, subject and object, you and the world. Subject and object stand or fall together. Subject relation object = reality;)