perplexity wrote:Metaphysical science confirms that any supposed object to examine is in the final analysis an object of belief.
"Reality" exists "forever", but only until it hurts, thus usurped as if by stealth.
Whatever refuses to change is per se belief, not agreement.
Truth is thus a narrative issue, distinguished as such by pain.
Truth hurts because we cling to delusion.


Would it not be better stated that any object whether examined in the final alalysis or not is a belief, for if one experiences an object that is belief,that is truth.
"Reality exists forever, but only until it hurts, thus usurped as if by stealth."

Perplexity perhaps you could explain, the above quote makes no sense to me whatsoever. I just do not get it!!
"Truth is thus a narrative issue, distinguished as such by pain."

How is truth distinguished by pain, these seem to be pieces of a syllogism which makes on sense. I am not saying you do not know of what you speak, just that I am not understanding what I assume is mean't to be understood. A narrative of pain is truth, please take some time to make yourself understood.
"Truth hurts because we cling to delusion."

This at least seems to make a little sense, if one is entertaining a delusion as truth I imagine it would hurt to find out that it is delusion. I am understanding this am I not?:eek: