Thanks so much, Butrflynet. We've done all that. I know the rules. Mo has had an IEP for two years now.
I'm just trying to figure out WHAT test they want us to do. I thought (think) the testing we did covered everything. We even went to one of the best children's hospitals on the west coast to have the testing done.
We received a diagnosis. Mo got an IEP.
For some reason they just ignore the results of this test.
At the end of last year his teacher pulled Mr. B aside and said "you need to have him tested". I had a MAJOR conniption fit. The school has ALL the testing results.
The other day I asked Mo's teacher to fill out an application for this private school I'm considering. She said "Oh. He needs a diagnosis before they'll enroll him." and I'm all WTF. He HAS a diagnosis. You've seen it. You have a copy of it. I sat down and talked with you about it.
I sent her a email asking WHAT does the school want?
She passed the buck.
To someone who passed the buck.
To someone who said we needed to have testing/assessments done.
So I'm all "WHAT testing do we need to have done that we haven't done?"
I can't get an answer.
I think Drew Dad is right -- they want a certain diagnosis and they're going to ignore anything/everything else.
The problem is -- I don't know what diagnosis will make them pay attention.
And I don't know how to get Mo to pretend he has something else so that he can get help from the school.