dadpad wrote:
Looked like play to me. Especially the stance of the teacher at the start. No blow was delivered with any force.
I am in 100% agreement with this.
I watched the video, during all the "beating" scenes and see only one instance (second :59) where the teachers hand even came into contact with the student, as far as what would be considered a strike. Even then, it was not a whallop.
Watching the video, and quickly double clicking in order to get 7 or 8 different shots during any particular second I see the following. BTW, I went over the "action" seconds where strikes were supposed to have taken place, several times at 7 or 8 clicks a second to try to see every available angle.
at :32
This is where the action starts. I agree with dadpad that her stance, her pushing the desk, then kicking stuff out of the way, initially looks alarming. However, watching it at regular speed a couple of times, it does more look like posing, play threatening if you will.
The student, backing into the corner, had plenty of time to move away out of that corner, she did not jump on him. He had plenty of room also to move by her. His attitude too, of slumping to the floor, also looks fake to me.
between :32 and :37, she is pulling him by his legs. Large leg muscles that would not be hurt by pulling him over a smooth linoleum floor. She drags him about a foot or too, then does something that looks like she's trying to roll him over.
at :39 she starts to raise her arm, and when you watch it straight through, it appears she strikes him. However, when you watch that second several times, it becomes clear she made NO contact with him. That was during second :40.
The quality of the video is not that great, but during that second, and also the second where she is initially pulling him along the floor, it's impossible for me to tell if he is smiling/laughing, or something else.
at second :53, again when you watch it at normal speed, you see what appears to be a kick. Strange though that there seems to be no reaction from the boy at that second, being kicked.
Watching this one slowly, and about a dozen times, I cannot see, in stop frames, where her foot ever actually came into contact with him. What appears to happen is that she pulls back her foot/leg to deliver a kick, but instead of meeting the child, her foot contacts the floor with her sneaker, immediately stopping the foward action of her foot.
Again, at secod :55, I cannot make out what the expression on the child's face is...is it fear, or smiling/laughing?
The boy later says the teacher pulled him from the wall to hit his head against the wall. That is not what happened.
The mother, in talking about the big knot/bump on the boys head said that a week (or was it 2?) later she ASKED him "do you still have that lump on your head?"
She ASKED him?
She didn't feel for herself?
He said something like, that is was still there, but smaller.
Again, she didn't feel her son's head for herself, to compare what she remembered this lump to be when it was initially there?
Did she feel the lump when it supposedly first appeared? Does she have pictures, or a physicians documentation of the size of the injury? Was it documented in any way 1 or 2 weeks later if it was still there?
Really looking at this, and the fact that none of the children, except one that initially moves away at the beginning of the video, seem particular alarmed, not even moving off their places sitting against the floor, is telling.
This looks more like one of those staged professional wrestling matches, compared to a real fight.
I'm not saying definatively a beating didn't occur.
I'd like to see this video again using more sophisticated stop action devices.
If I was on a jury, I could not honestly say I saw this boy being hit.
Again, the only time I saw any contact was a second :59.
I don't consider pulling someone along the linoleum floor by the legs abuse.