Quote: [Irishk] ... boycotting something with which you aren't in agreement seems infinitely more reasonable than death threats.
I completely agree, Irishk.
For goodness' sakes, folks, we aren't talking here about killing Muslims, or threatening them with violence.
We are talking about drawing
What They Say Should Not Be Drawn in the United States.
In this country, we can draw whatever we like. I make this stand because I want people in this country to continue to draw whatever they like, whether it offends any religious group or not.
And allow me to point out, yet again, that Muslims have drawn Muhammad (and very well) for hundreds of years. Google it, please, to see the drawings/paintings/etc.
Please pardon me if I'm wrong, but the US was, in large part (not entirely, no) founded on religious freedom: We can practice whatever religion we like, in any way we like, as long as we do NOT try to tell others that they must practice/believe as we do.
I will state clearly here that I am NOT Anti-Muslim. I AM ANTI-DEATH THREATS, especially when those threats are made in a country that was at least partially based on "Free Speech", and that "free speech" had a great deal to do with religion when the country was founded.
I believe that the average Muslim is just as good as your average American. Their religion is fine with me as long as they don't threaten to kill people over their religious beliefs!
When they start death threats against cartoonists, yes, I am willing to make bad drawings. I am NOT willing to make death threats, or to even swear at people. (Why? Because they are
people, like me.)
I do not watch South Park. I do not watch TV at all, and have not in the past 11 years (Why? Because I find the commercials insulting, even offensive.)
If you do NOT think Muslims carrying signs saying "Butcher Those Who Insult Islam!" is alarming, you are free to NOT participate tomorrow.