Why is there such clarity of understanding when the offensiveness is directed at one religion and not another? Such clarity would go a whole lot longer way toward ending the violent reactions than any mass drawing of an image will.
This is an excellent question.
My response must be this: The Christians who were offended by this cartoon did not threaten to kill the creator of that cartoon, did they? Nor did they actually BEHEAD the creator of the cartoon.
Let me state here, for the collective A2K record, that I am an Atheist.
I do not think that Jesus, God, Mohammed, the Buddha, or whoever, is real. I think religion may have an important place in societies, in correcting "bad behaviors," as in "Thou Shalt Not Kill," but I do not believe in any religion.
I really do NOT think it is correct to kill anyone for their religious beliefs, OR their cartoons. Period.