dagmaraka wrote:good heavens! wilso, i had no idea you can provoke such belligerance! i will never set a foot outside of cozy safe A2K!
You should see it when I really try hard.
Hey, all.
C.I. I have never been to London, but an unbelievable invite just came from Abuzz, via the New York Times. What th...?
Moondoggy's One Word thread? My Gawd, wasn't that begun an eternity ago Margo?
Kicked that "ONEWORD BACK TO LIFE!!" it takes a few seconds to load the sucker
Well, amazing. I got an invite from Blaine and the time was today. UhOh! there's a virus that's creating unhavoc.
I have One word thread notifications coming through too!
Why only that?
Hmmmmmm - must go and press email notification on some others!!!!!
And I got two invitations - one to a DUCK thread!!!!
Well, bunny. That's Blaine and it's not a lame duck thread.
Me too....weird, haven't heard the buzz in months and now it's a quack!
I, too, received an abuzz email update this afternoon.
Well, Deb just got whacked. <sigh>
LOL!!!!! It felt so homey!
I've got updates on a whole bunch of threads (mostly rainforest ones since they're the ones i'm most devoted to). It was so funny to see them after all this time.
On the other hand, my A2K updates seem to have stopped entirely. Wazzup with that?
Well, my goodness, Andrew. Teachers have eyes in the back of their heads...don't look at your hands...look in the mirror...Just interested in the mechanics of things...Love the Realm..Love A2K...that's it