I think Abuzz went down of the eve of the anniv. of Mary Pope's death.
I believe Abuzz will survive. Every time it is down people gather for the wake. I still post occasionally under the moniker eyesofgold.
I'll miss some of the posters that remained on Abuzz like condor, bobsal and BornJewish. BJ had some very good points, but he would argue just to argue. People couldn't agree with him, 'cause he'd just turn around and disagree. He was arrogant and funny. I'd limit my comments to "good post," and leave it at that.
Some of the posters I'd argue with seemingly ad infinitum like contrarian, and bjk2000, I certainly didn't agree with, but they sure had a sense of humor.
I just found a question on Abuzz and posted a response. Perhaps it was down for a brief time, but it seems to be working fine now (except for the email notification, but that's long long gone, anyway).
Abuzz was down from approximately 11:00pm Friday evening to 12:00pm monday. I just checked and ghouls are back in force.
Indeed they are, Acquiunk.
ahhhh, scuse me , I gotta go over there and scribble on the mensroom walls
I burst in for a minute and made my obligatory filthy remark about rogertc1 then ran back home......
Just a reminder, BP. On abuzz I am akaRoger.
I know the difference between you and rogertc1, no problem.
I just posted over in Abuzz -- and I post there almost every day.
I too thought it was down for the count -- but it just keeps on tickin'!
And I am happy about that.
It is sad about abuzz. And, saddest of all is that those who brought it down were allowed to do so, no matter whose fault it was.
I am sure Mary Pope would be saddest of all. Alas, if she had still been there, perhaps, she could have found a way to save it. She always seemed to "come through."
It is regretful, also, that the "best" of abuzz just gave up and left -- giving in to the baser elements; but I realize there is just so much that we could have done without help from abuzz, itself.
At a very sad time in my life, abuzz was there for me and helped me along; and I shall always remember that...
heartinuk (I was timtom on abuzz).
heartinuk, TimTom. Wow! Great to see you. Are you ok now?
I think the reports of Abuzz's death have been greatly exaggerated. That's not to say it's the way it was when I joined, but I guess it's like the Energizer Bunny. . .
I haven't posted on Abuzz in months.
I just started my first interraction on abuzz in ages. I'm sure it'll bring out the freaks too.
LOL Wilso mate, just saw yr thread !! U like to live dangerously, don't you ?
crikey - what is it Wilso?