It has just started to get very amusing !!!
Wilso's Thread
Brought 'em out of the woodwork almost immediately.
LOL! I went and looked.
Hold onto your hats.
Heh it...I can't be bothered to post on Abuzz anymore, but I may just follow this thread of Wilso's...
Me neither, Cav. BiPolar's thread was destroyed by Zinger.
Dr. KAK made me want to burn things...
I'm a childish idiot to exchange filth barbs with those scuzzbags on know the ones....but it is cathartic in a childish farmerman says maybe it's a guy thing.....if I ever get a chance to get to an A2K gathering...provided you guys would let me in....I promise the in person bear is more like the A2K bear than the Abuzz one........until my second bottle of 1800.... :wink:
Well, bear. You and Squinney aren't too far from Florida, and there is a tentative gathering in the works. Orlando, I think. Your cubs would love the great Disney fantasy.
been to Disney...10 days....even for a mouse lover 10 days is a long time.......have a great story about it but no time right now....maybe I'll pm you......
East coast
West coast
East coast
West coast
so many gatherings, so little money
cavfancier wrote:Heh it...I can't be bothered to post on Abuzz anymore, but I may just follow this thread of Wilso's...
There's not much to follow.
good heavens! wilso, i had no idea you can provoke such belligerance! i will never set a foot outside of cozy safe A2K!
Ooh. This was the first time I've ever looked in on Abuzz. And more than likely the last. I feel the same way as the comment under virtually every post on that thread: 0 out of 0 people found this Response valuable.
Hi margo,
I did go to England in June. Loved it there and hope to return in June.
hearti, WELCOME to A2K. Seems some of us A2Kers love the UK. Even I made a visit last March to the London A2K Gathering. It was really, really good to meet Walter, Steve, Gautam, McT, Fiona, and kitchenpete.
c.i. I don't see Steve much on A2K any more. god, would I love to see London.
and a hearti welcome to hearti.
Letty, Have you ever been?
Thanks for the welcome. I am enjoying A2K, but still bumbling around a bit learning my way around.