Does anyone know if fossils bear record of even the simplest life forms on earth prior to the earth having it's moon?
My mom and sister are aliens and I still haven't figured them out

Oh, they are legal ones.
You are one yourself, aren't you?
That depends on who you ask
Funny thing, people on other countries (or other planets for that matter) think YOU'RE the alien.
I'm pretty sure pre-moon earth is a far from accepted. Certainly not as recently as the formation of life in any case. Personally I think most moons form in concert with their planets rather than being captured later.
No it does not. The current theory of how the moon was formed says that an asteroid/meteor/small planet crashed into the early-earth, pretty much destroying any stability the planet was seeing (which wasn't much, we're talking early solar system here). That impact would have destroyed any life if any were around.
The bible tries to define what an alien is.
Alien time is different from human time.
according to phil collins (and the shitty version of genesis), it's no fun, being an illegal alien
Well, you gotta put up with being loved by David Bowie
and surfing with joe satriani
I think Fox News has stopped calling immigrants, "aliens". Now it seems they exclusively have substituted the word immigrants for aliens... If my observation has done anything to put a human face on this, then, GOOD!
Fair minded people resolve issues like this with their heart and not their intellect.
Now that we know what an alien is not, maybe we may be closer to understanding what an alien is...
Psalm 69:8 KJV
I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children.