plainoldme wrote:Well,sluggo, he demonstrates something that it obvious to many and that is conservatism is divergence.
Joking? U are kidding, right ?
Conservative = orthodox. Do u understand that concept?
The issue at hand is the presence or absence of divergence.
The presence of divergence is liberalism or radicalism.
NON-divergence = orthodox or conservative. Do u understand that?
Being a teacher of English, I 'd imagine that u
Your above assertion that "conservatism is divergence" is
U are telling us that
non-divergence is divergence.
plainoldme wrote:A member of the American Constitution Society,
he works toward maintaining the Constitution as a vital, living document
First of all, the Constitution has
never been a
DOCUMENT. It is an
INSTRUMENT. Your hero shoud have
known that.
Secondly, the Constitution shoud have been written in Latin, a dead language, for stability.
This "living document" nonsense is a charlatan's foundation
for fraudulent deception; i.e., for cheating.
In other words, the so-called "living document" [sic] deception
is the modern equivalent of Dr. Good's Snake Oil, sold from his
travelling show, that 's "good for what ails you" made from water, sugar, alcohol and heroin.
Plain, if a judge is presented with litigation including a constitutional dispute,
if he is competent, he will do as Justice Scalia does and read the litigated text
and apply, with mechanical precision, the idea that existed when those words were chosen
by the Authors of the Constitution, known by the historical context
and by checking dictionaries of the day.
On the other hand,
if such a judge is incompetent, then he might declare
that the Constitution is "living" and just throw the dice
or (figuratively) flip a coin to decide what it has changed to;
it coud be
ANYTHING; unpredictable.
Declaring that the Constitution is "living" effectively is claiming
that we have
NO Constitution, that it will just be invented anew,
spontaneously whenever a question is raised about it, unpredictably;
it means one thing on Monday and the opposite on Tuesday.
plainoldme wrote:and upholding the values it presents:
That can 't BE, Plain, because all of this "living" twists and perverts it unpredictably
from one day to the next; that is the
"upholding" anything.
Maybe its more like the judge and your professor going on an LSD trip.
(I m just estimating, here, since I 've had no contact with LSD.)