Come With Me if You Want to Cry: The Biggest Tearjerkers In The Scifi Pantheon
Seriously, if you didn't well up when " after Wall*E put his life on the line to help Eve locate Earth " the frantic Eve races to his old trailer-home and repairs him with a lightning speed only the desperately in love have and Wall*E comes back online...wrong....
J-Just give me a minute.
Brad Bird's animated opus is the frickin' granddaddy of unexpected bawl yankers. You sit there, strapped in for some retro-sweet boy-and-his-robot action when, suddenly, you get to the end...and there's guns and jets and nukes and heroism and sacrifice and tears. Lots of tears.
LOST: "The Constant"
Easily, the most affecting episode of this mystery-box of a show. When poor Desmond Hume (Henry Ian Cusick) finally gets to talk to the woman he's waited years and years to reconnect with " and suffered the slings and arrows of electromagnetic fortune " it plays like a validation of all the time we've devoted to Lost.
"I'll be" Nuff said.
Tim Burton's dewy-misfit fixation never found a better outlet than this, his first collaboration with Johnny Depp. Come to think of it, Depp's beautiful, pale, wild-maned high-school outsider is like the proto-Edward Cullen. But with finger-knives instead of fangs.
these are my faves, more at the link