Sat 20 Mar, 2010 08:25 pm
A disclaimer - I am one of the people who does not proclaim obesity is always from frail will and low discipline, at least not as much as it is assumed to be. I've posted some articles and even threads to this effect re the roll of bacteria, etc.
But, I am wondering about fat cells. Somewhere probably decades ago I read that you are born with a certain number of fat cells and that's that, and the fat cells like to be filled. Let's say I read this in the eighties, and doubt or at least wonder about any verities then, now (not to mention that we now deal with liposuction and various other surgeries).
I could of course just google about fat cells, but I'd like to get an a2k take before I do that, if only for views before I research.
I'm not sure if I heard that or not. It is kind of my understanding that you can put on enormous amounts of fat just by allowing existing cells to fill and stretch.
Actually, I think it is nerve cells that don't get replaced, while red blood cells usually expire after something like three months.
and the nerve cell thing is newly considered, I surmise.
Red cells flip/die all the time and all of that is a long story.
No, not newly considered at all.
mmm? well, there are new takes on what nerve cells can do or not..
Will you buy 'relatively new'?
With any luck I'll remember this tomorrow and shoot some links..
Oh, wait, you can nag me! (which is fine)
Excellent question.
I'm anxious to see the results of your research.
That was a useful link, mismi - I didn't know about the potential for gaining in fat cell numbers in adulthood - but of course it makes sense.
I thought it was interesting that the fat cells grow to a certain point and then multiply. Of course I knew the only way to reduce their size was exercise. Of course eating less helps too.

The thought of indestructible fat cells is depressing.
I can lose a heap of weight and the best I can hope for is to look like Baggy, the Anorexic Elephant.
Join the baggy elephant crowd..
or, more like me, welcome to wrinkle city.
That was also interesting re the effects of moderate and intense exercise being about the same, both better than no exercise...
Oh, and I could have temporary red hair.. I used to have somewhat auburn hair, but it's now brown with gray streaks. I'm way too lazy to get into dyeing it, much as I admire the stamina of those who do that.
Roger, I looked in my medical files and see I didn't save any relevant recent articles re nerves.. Next comes google..
Obesity and fat cell go hand in hand, increase in fat cell leads to obesity. Its necessary to control fat cell multiplication to avoid obesity.
Even try doing exercises.