Paranormal activity or subconscious?

Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2010 04:43 pm
I'm just curious if anyone has had similar experiences or an idea what is happening. I'll try to keep this as brief as possible since I know I can be a bit long winded at time. LOL

Years ago in my early 20's I started having these dreams where I couldn't move, couldn't speak, and the harder I tried the louder this noise in my head got. It only happened when I took a nap in the afternoon. I always knew "the dream" was coming because as I was falling asleep I would start hearing the noise. I would try to wake up but it was like I got pulled into "the dream". Sometimes it would only go on for a few minutes, other times it would last for hours.

The noise I heard was so real that there were a few times I woke up with an ear ache that lasted a couple of hours. It started before I got serious about christianity and continued for about four years, but only if I took a nap, never at night. As time went on I decided it must be some sort of effect from the abuse I had blocked the memories of when I was child. Like it was trying to resurface or something. It just made sense because the abuse happened in the afternoon as well.

I began working on the emotional issues of the abuse at that time thinking that if I could deal with and face it the dream would stop happening, but it didn't. I had the dream one last time for the first time in a while because I had just stopped taking naps all together and while it was happening I prayed and asked God to show me what was doing this to me.

Some how I pried myself off the bed and managed to open one eye and looked in the doorway and I saw a huge dark figure... like a dark cloud. It hung there for a second then disappeared. I flopped down on the bed and thought, "Oh... I didn't want to see that." and it was like this wet blanket was being pulled off of me and I never had the dream again.

Until recently. It started up again about three months ago. It's been much more infrequent than before. I can actually take naps the majority of the time and nothing happens. I'm not super christian girl anymore which makes these questions a little tougher to find reasonable answers for. Back then it was easy... if it wasn't something subconscious about the abuse it must have been demons tormenting me in my sleep.

I do still believe in the spiritual world. Demons hunting me down to kill me... not so much. I'm writing this now because I just woke up from the dream again. It was different this time though It was much more intense , and while I couldn't move I could talk and the noise wasn't there this time. I was in the middle of a regular old dream when it happened and I actually felt like something was trying to do me harm. I wasn't really afraid, but I'm a little lost here what's happening or what to do about it. Has this ever happened to anyone else?
Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2010 05:20 pm
I've had a few 'paranormal' experiences, mostly when I've been wide awake! I did a thread on it some time ago. Check out http://able2know.org/topic/26144-1

A Buddhist saying, "you be the master of your mind and do not let your mind master you!"
Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2010 06:24 pm

Yes, it happens to lots of people. It is not that unusual to have similar experiences when near sleep, either entering sleep, exiting or roused in the middle. The details vary, but varying degrees of panic are common in PTSD and abused children. They also occur during very stressful times in an otherwise ordinary life. There is only the possibility of schizophrenia when they are vivid and you are wide awake.

However, if it bothers you, you need professional help and I would suggest starting with the family doctor. Sometimes sedatives or tranquilizers are necessary to start a positive cycle and break a negative one. It might also be deemed necessary to start a course of anti-depressants. I have prepared you for the main possibilities, now off to see your doctor.
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Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2010 06:57 pm
There were a couple of times in the past I thought I was wide awake too, but I've never decided if I really was or not. I couldn't open my eyes if I really was though. It seems kind of silly to talk to a doctor about sedatives or whatever though when it's just when I take naps. I've gone years without naps before... I'm sure I could do it again! lol Anti-depressants though? I'm curious why that would be suggested. Stress? Depression? I feel ok.

I am in counseling. I haven't mentioned it to her though because she's a christian and well... I just don't believe demons are chasing me down anymore. I don't feel like having to defend myself on that one. As I've been working through some issues, christianity being one of them there has come a lot of questions for me about what I believe about spirituality. I'm not ready to jump off any boat here and join anyone's religion. I think religion is pretty much a bunch of BS. Yet, I still believe there's something bigger than us. Maybe bigger isn't the right word. Something beyond us.

I'm afraid to open myself to anything though because I'm afraid of getting sucked into some cultish type of thing like with the christianity. Strangely enough though I'd really like to know what else is out there. Can it harm us? Does it mess with our dreams or is all of it just our subconscious being affected by stress and outward circumstances? *sigh* So many questions and I just don't know if there's any way to find out for sure. Grrr...
Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2010 07:00 pm
Hi, Treya, welcome back.

You can take me as representative of the no, not paranormal point of view.
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Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2010 07:17 pm
I frequently have lucid dreams. These are dreams where I know I am dreaming. Like you, I cannot open my eyes during the dream and I have to let the dream play through. I had a lucid dream the other night that was interesting. I knew I was dreaming but I thought "if this is a dream then what is reality?" It seems during the dream I had no idea that I was simply sleeping in my own bed. I thought "maybe I'm driving right now and I must wake up!"

Eventually I did wake up safe and sound in my own bed, There's still much about dreams we don't know.

About 2 years ago I woke up to the eerie feeling there was an intruder in the house. Even as I got out of bed I had this feeling that I was in some "other dimension"! The odd thing, I had a house guest that night and he had the exact same dream!
Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2010 08:11 pm
Hi Osso. Thanks. Glad to see you're still here.

Hey nick. Wow about the duo dreams! So you never said what you think about why you have those dreams. Have you ever wondered?
Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2010 08:18 pm
Not really Treya. I just accept them as they are. I rather enjoy them.
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Reply Sun 14 Mar, 2010 08:33 pm
My mother, many many years ago, before I was born had a re-a curing dream that there was someone breaking into her house. Every time it was the same thing. He would come in through the bedroom window and try to rob the house. About 2 months of having the dream she woke up one night to the sound of a window breaking. My father worked nights at that time and wasn't home. My mom, got out of bed and grabbed the hand gun that my father kept and walked into the next bed room to find a man climbing in through the window. She shot him in the leg and held him there at gun point until the police came.

She has never had a dream like that again, nor has anything she dreamed came true.
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2010 07:14 pm
hmm...that's tough to answer. A friend of mine had personal experience in that area, though not in a dream, so I wouldn't be completely against that idea, but at the same time, traumatic experiences can do some crazy stuff to the brain. I'd keep praying, and maybe talk to a Christian counselor to help you sort through your past and your dreams.
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Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2010 07:25 am
is there anything that u can tell us about the dream
in addition to the noise ?

I have read that a nightmare is the means that
the subconscious mind has of screaming at u;
i.e., it was said that if u dream that u r being chased
that u shoud turn around and ask: "what do u have for me?"
or "do u have a message for me?"

U might wanna read some books on dreaming
from a bookstore or a library.

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Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2010 07:31 am
NickFun wrote:
I frequently have lucid dreams. These are dreams where I know I am dreaming. Like you, I cannot open my eyes during the dream and I have to let the dream play through. I had a lucid dream the other night that was interesting. I knew I was dreaming but I thought "if this is a dream then what is reality?" It seems during the dream I had no idea that I was simply sleeping in my own bed. I thought "maybe I'm driving right now and I must wake up!"

Eventually I did wake up safe and sound in my own bed, There's still much about dreams we don't know.

About 2 years ago I woke up to the eerie feeling there was an intruder in the house. Even as I got out of bed I had this feeling that I was in some "other dimension"! The odd thing, I had a house guest that night and he had the exact same dream!
Nick, I 've had some lucid dreams; I 've enjoyed them.
As soon as I understood that thay were dreams,
I was the master of the universe of that dream until I awoke.
I was the executive-producer and director of that movie.

I coud have anything I wanted; all the gold, jewels, cash real estate, chicks.
I coud fly, if I wanted to. I like that. Knowledge is power.
Knowledge is fun, Nick.

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Reply Sat 27 Mar, 2010 07:34 am
Seed wrote:
My mother, many many years ago, before I was born had a re-a curing dream that there was someone breaking into her house. Every time it was the same thing. He would come in through the bedroom window and try to rob the house. About 2 months of having the dream she woke up one night to the sound of a window breaking. My father worked nights at that time and wasn't home. My mom, got out of bed and grabbed the hand gun that my father kept and walked into the next bed room to find a man climbing in through the window. She shot him in the leg and held him there at gun point until the police came.

She has never had a dream like that again, nor has anything she dreamed came true.
That raises questions about the nature of reality,
relative to the nature and abilities of consciousness, Seed.

U need to get her to dream about MegaMIllion$ numbers!

Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 02:56 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Seed wrote:

U need to get her to dream about MegaMIllion$ numbers!

Believe it or not, I had a dream about the lotto numbers once. I didn't have the slightest idea of how to play the lottery, how to organzie the numbers I saw, etc. It wasn't mega though, it was daily 3 and 4. So I played the numbers and every guess, only one off.

Crazy thing, anytime I've played, (which is very infrequent, I don't want to jinx the lucky dreams) I miss the numbers only by one digit. It's been about 5 times.

As for the thread at hand:
I would suggest that the answer to your question of "paranormal or subconscious" can be both.
If a paranormal entity was to contact you through your subconscious (which afterall, can be traced and measured to a certain frequency at any given time) then both would be true.

I've had similar dreams/vision-like episodes.

And re:omsigdavid's comment about dreams hwere you're being chased:
That's a truly great piece of advice, I realized I should have done that once.
I went to bed with the intention of meeting some people in a dream. A crazy event occured and I found myself running, I ought have approached the source of fear though, as I feel they were saying "HELLO! YOU WANTED TO TALK?"
In fact, the intent of speaking with these people led to a couple other really fascinating and exciting dreams.

And the comment Nick made, referencing the buddhist saying, I have found that to be great advice. To be fearless in one's dreams is an excellent way to sleep. Be a beacon of positive energy in your dreams.

Lastly, write down dreams right after you have them, and intentions before you go to sleep.
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2010 07:13 pm
I had a dream one time where I was walking down a staircase and I saw a beautiful woman sitting at the bottom of the stairs. I knew I was dreaming so I said to myself, "hey! This is a dream! I can do anything I want. I reached over to the girl and tried to take her clothes off and she screamed "Hey! What the hell are you doing?" I said, "this is just a dream, right?" She said "so?" I replied, "then this is all in my head!" She replied, "well, yes and no". I had the feeling she was about to reveal the essence of dreams to me and I was about to acquire the knowledge of humanity! Quickly I asked, "what do you mean by that?"

Before she could answer I woke up. Damn!
Reply Mon 21 Jun, 2010 08:51 am
Ha! A dream seductress would do that wouldn't she? That's pretty wild though, since she replied to with something you didn't want to hear. So it seems perhaps even in lucid dreams, sometimes there are outside influences that can participate.

I most often believe a lot of dreams we have, if not all, are basically us accidentally stumbling on another wavelength, frequency, of some realm or dimension. Most are probably solely our realms in our mind. But it seems many are actually places that more than one person/being can be at, simultaneously.

I once drempt I was in a forest, walking through looking for my girlfriend. Then I told her the next morning, and she drempt she was in the same forest, looking to find me. I can't recall if either of us did or when, but it was the same place described.
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Reply Sat 15 Jan, 2011 07:16 am
here's my answer about dreams and deja vu and so on.

I'm not going to tell my personal story, because that would scare the **** out of everyone. But I can tell you that I heard sounds, that he controlled my falling a sleep, dreams , or kept me awake for weeks and weeks, but made me able to function in that state, thank 'beep' for that, and so on. Gave me headaches and other symptoms, took away all my feelings, emotions, movement, senses, taste, smell and so on, to show me he controlled everyone of them.
For me it's kind of wierd to see, that I'm not alone, but I still haven't found anyone that had the same explanation that I have got and understands it all.
Don't consider this braging, please, then theres something wrong with you.

Firts off, there's a power in all living things.
We are mistaking when we think that dreams are subconcious.
Dreams are told/projected by this power.

A deja vu:
1) you dreamed about something and later see this.
2) Something you see is so simular as to what you've seen before
3) You get the idea/feeling that what you see is something you've seen before.

In every case the power is involved.
1) He has given the dream prior to what you see, and he lets you recognise it and even remeber the dream sometimes. And he gives you this Dejavu feeling.
2) He lets you remember this and he gives you this Dejavu feeling.
3) He gives you this Dejavu feeling.

When you're not psychic or have a sixth sense, you're not aware that the power is giving you dreams or visions, thats all.

I don't believe in the fact that you have multiple lifes.
Even if it's possible for a power to convince a human, that he gets visions of a former life.
Even if you get a vivid knowledge of that life, like al the memories of that life, at an age that you can handle all that. You're still born without any knowledge, and as a new person/soul.
We misunderstand all the things this power throws at us, because he wants and makes it so.
In doing so 'we' create ghosts, psychics, fear, reincarnation, abduction, disease, and so on. When all that is needed is that you know that there's is a supernatural power/thing.
The people who started the church/bible, created a devil, a soul and an afterlife. Because people needed/need this, and maybe he told this to them, who knows, it's still up to us to believe what we want of what 'it/he' tells/shows us. Then we get science, who helps to create this, because they believe and try to prove/convince people that there isn't a supernatural thing/power.
Take in to acount how people are and you get the known things to us today as I said above.
We get an education and we stop thinking about what science tells us, we just take it as being right, when all this, is just a theory from one or a few of us, in many cases not proven, but accepted because there isn't a better one. And they and even I, can't prove them otherwise. Only it/he can, even if he tried, people will not see what is meant to be seen, because they always grasp to science and what is known until now.
If 'it/he' does it work correctly, we aren't aware of a supernatural power and we think we are thinking and doing everything ourselves and that everything comes naturaly.
But when he want's he can make us aware that 'it/he' is doing things, and is actually in control, and this is hard for people to grasp if they don't ever get this experience.
I'm glad that television shows a series of a psychic that gets visions from a killer or a deceased person. Because you see, 'it/he' can show the life or what we captered with our eyes, to anyone of us, by using the daydream/vision method.
How we interpret things is up to us, and I even believe it isn't entirely up to us, because when 'it/he' wants us to believe something we do. So he makes it so that we interpret it as known today.
Ghosts, we can get chills, hair rising, fear, unmovable limbs and muscles, trouble breathingand so on, this is created from our inside and interpreted as coming from a thing on the outside that is near. You even have to understand that it can control everything, living and dead, that means electricity and objects. I know this is very movie like, but still it is no different, so it's the thruth.
Disease, are a bunch of symptoms that create a known disease, but 'it/he' can give and take any of them away when he wants.
Think about, uncontrolled movement of limbs, hearing voices, gilles de la tourette, sleepwalking, insomnia, and many other diseases where we aren't in control anymore. Actually they are a kind of posession, but we don't know that 'it/he' does this, because thats the only thing 'it/he' does, if he would give you a sixht sense and visions and/or talk to you at the same time, then you would know better, how this disease came about. Still if he wants it can be cured with pills, otherwise he would explain and just stop the disease.
Psychic, he moves my hand when a car is going to put the blinker on, when the car moves to the right or left, when the car is going to stop. This is so I can see that what 'it/he' tells/shows me is correct, because I don't just believe everything 'it/he' says.
He even tells me what other people are thinking, but then I will have to ask you if this is correct and so on, this is also very dangerous, to create misleading thougts, anger and so on or to keep sane in general. He controls all my emotions and feelings, so thats not a problem for me, if he lets me be mysellf offcourse.
The psychics, that aren't talking to 'it' like I am, use this ability to predict stuff and so on, I don't think thats the right thing to do, because we don't know if it's right, sometimes it is sometimes it's not. But I'm also glad that they do, because otherwise, people wouldn't know that there is a supernatural thing, and everyone would just say that I'm insane.
Still I'm sad, that we as a people still aren't fully aware of all of this and science had too much of a say in todays world, thus creating a hostile/evil world, when we could be further along our path if they would take to heart, the knowledge as I stated here.
For the afterlife, I haven't died before, so I can't really say what's after this, I have seen the dead move however and there was no presence of a soul, just the power moving that dead body.
After what 'it/he' showed/told me, I believe people can, maybe, start a truth like (like its real life to us), never ending dream if you believe in heaven or maybe he does it allways, after showing you your past life, or maybe he showed me that, because people believe this untill know, who knows right. But then again if the electricity runs out of the brain, where will you as a soul go to keep dreaming, so I think it's untill, you are brain dead and then its over.
I can't even say if the power inside me is one or the other 'god or the devil', at the moment i think/believe there's only one power, but I don't know anymore then I know for sure today.
If you however also know of a supernatural thing it will/can play with whats inside you, and you will help him to believe and choose what you will believe, this being different to everyone, apparently.
First off, most of the people still aren't completely sane, because they follow the present world and the present society, when they have to be completely without feelings (anger,hate,love,hurt,sadness) to mislead them, still be aware that they are there, but not let any of them overpower you. Thats where the advice, you need to go on, after dead, comes in to affect and so on.
We don't have to be aware and keep in mind, the feelings of others, because they create gilt, if you don't visit more often and so on. Thus creating a two way gilt trip for people. People still affect other people to much and society makes it so that that is known as doing the right thing, but thats not right. We need to steer clear of whatever causes sickness in other humans. This also goes for, woman haters, division between men and woman, to be a new man or not, and the discusion what's the right one to do, everyone knows whats the right thing to do, so don't kid yoursellf there. And go out in the world pretending you're not a new man, because the evil ones who still are more in number control the world for now. Hate for colored people and so much, much, more. Here we try to make it so that the evil ones can speak there mind, even if thats wrong, and see what that creates, do these people really believe they have this right??? Insane.

I took a quick look a the "walk in", and see that I have to explain, some more things.
Posession, 'it' can take control over my limbs while I'm in power of all the others, put me on auto pilot (where I'm like busy talking to him in my mind, but still doing what needes to be done in the world), take control over all my movements so I can't choose to do anything different even if I wanted to, while I'm aware of this, and offcourse the total posession where you get the feeling you swapped souls, but thats actaully the same as the thing before only scarier. Then you'l probably have the total posession, like sleepwalking, where you're not aware that you got posessed, but can't really tell you about that one, hahaha, I haven't expierenced that one to my knowledge.
Further more 'it/he' can immitate every voice, sound, song and so on.
You could be under the impresion that you could hear a person from miles away, like having a super hearing aid, and so on.
Sorry to say, "walk in's" are created by totaly gullible people, who don't realise what there playing with, but be aware it's all fun and games to 'it'. If they aren't faking it to begin with. And don't get affended, I explained earlier that I try to understand you all, and I know it's not easy if you don't get an explanation.

I know there is a power, but I can't say if you're telling the thruth, but I can see when you're misleaded and mistaken.
Reply Sat 15 Jan, 2011 07:43 am
For, your case I have to add, the fact that not only daydreams or visions can be given, but also glimps and other real like images before your eyes.
Like in the song 'I saw a flash in the coner of my eye, I turned to look but it was gone'. I can say that I have had many flashes, glimps, shadows, flying ghost like blankets and so on, they prety much seem real. Not a vision or dream like thing.
But again, don't be scared, there aren't any demons, ghosts and so on. You read my story, I am kind of posessed by the power that is in us all, but I'm not scared, it can kill me any time it want's but can do the same to people that aren't aware of a power, understand. It might be a happier world for me if he didn't do what he did to me, but hey, I'm still alive, there's always someone worse of than yoursellf, and he kind of makes me cope with everything. Bye.
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