Tue 26 Nov, 2002 08:54 pm
Is there a way to have the entire page fit the monitor instead of using right and left arrows to maneuver?
This is driving me crazy!
I didn't have this problem before reformatting, but evidently there's a setting I haven't reset.
Thanks again.
Is this a problem with this site or with all sites?
Or is this not site related?
I suspect your resolution is low.
Right click on your deskyop and select properties >settings and then change your resolution to a higher one.
That might do it but if not let us know.
Maybe you were set to a higher resolution before you reformatted. It that's the case, go to:
Control Panel
Click the 'settings' tab' and reset to a higher resolution.
I generally write down the existing settings, just in case I don't like the changes I make.
Craven and Roger: Do you mean the setting of 800 x 600? That's what it's set on now. I tried the maxi setting and it's way too small.
Any suggestions?
Thanks to both of you.
By the way Craven, it's not just A2K, it's all sites.
Are there any setting in between (800 by 600 and the max) that might work?
Craven, there was no setting except min., mid range (800 x 600) and max.
I changed the font size from 125% to 100%, that did the trick.
Thank you so very much.
Now everything is looking the way it was before the format:)
Aha, I'd have taken a LOOONG time to think of the fonts.
I used to have this problem Misti but forget what caused it, will have to think on it and get back to you.
Craven, whatever are we gonna do without you?
JoanneD: There's not too much we CAN'T learn on this site. I find it an invaluable resource in my computer learning journey:)

... among other things:)