In late 2005, Norris became the object of an internet phenomenon known as "Chuck Norris Facts", which document fictional, often absurdly heroic feats and characteristics about Norris. The phenomenon originally started with the "Vin Diesel Fact Generator", and Chuck Norris Facts were created as a by-product, often using the same facts featured in the Vin Diesel Fact Generator. In time, Chuck Norris Facts became popular, even more so than the original Vin Diesel Fact Generator. Norris has written his own response to the parody on his website, stating that he does not feel offended by them and finds some of them funny.[30]
On November 29, 2007, Gotham Books, the adult division of Penguin USA, released a book entitled The Truth About Chuck Norris: 400 facts about the World's Greatest Human based on the Chuck Norris Facts.[31] Norris filed suit in December against Penguin USA claiming "trademark infringement, unjust enrichment and privacy rights."[32]
During Norris' endorsement of Mike Huckabee in the 2008 Presidential primaries, he participated in several commercials and campaign rallies. In some of these, references were made to the Chuck Norris Facts, and similar tongue-in-cheek politically-oriented "facts" were presented about Huckabee.