We have an AMish crew come in (We have to go and pick em up ) Theres still lotsa wprk for us to do in rounding up the sheep, catching em, clipping hooves, checking med records and , marking and running em out.
ACtually, I forgot that they guys wouldnt be here today (Its Sunday) to complete the rest of the herd. WE are gonna round up a final 50 or so sheep from the back pastures and run em in today and the shearers will be back on Tiesday (my wife keeps all records)
SO Im stiff as an I beam so its good I get a day of collapse. Its gonna rain (yippeeee) so the sheep will have to stay in the back shed and the barn so they arent all wet when the shearers come back.
The ones we sheared yesterday are all bright white and almost glowing. They hate shearing but then they love being fee of all the wool and clots.(We had an 18 month clip on em because of my being hurt last year)
wool is a resource that is hard to mine, so its probably good that youre thinking of hair sheep. Of course they have chemical depillatories that thyeve been using in AUstralian Merino herds. Its a process that takes several weeks and requires that the sheep be "bagged up" while the chemical depillatory is working. Then, about 15 days or so after the shots, the bags are removed and the wool is all collected from the skin up.