Mon 27 Oct, 2003 10:37 pm
Which is it folks? Nature or Nurture? Discuss!!!
Nature is nurture with a roof overhead. a/u
I think that it is very significant that you only allowed two choices.......nature or nurture. I have long believed that abilities, intelligence, temperament, propensity towards illness, etc. are a complex interaction of genes and environment.
What has always appalled and amazed me, is that so many people seem to espouse one side or another in this issue. I think that life is much too complicated to explain many facets of life by genetics or environment only!
Wasn't this question definitively answered in a movie with Eddie Murphy and Dan Ayckroyd?
It's both over all, with nature dominating the long run, and nurture the short.
Well said Phoenix.
I was going to say the same thing.
Joe, you cant answer a question like this, tehre is no answer, only opinions
mine is both, no 2 people will ever act the same in the same situation, but the exact same person would act differently in different situations. people are both with a nature in them ,but that nature is interfered with by nuture
Taking Joe aside, whispering "[size=7][/size] it was obvious that you were kidding about the dan akroyd bit, but that doesnt mean a question like this can be answered"
It's both. See previous thread:
[email protected] "]Joe, you cant answer a question like this, tehre is no answer, only opinions
While a lot of people have opinions on the subject, there
is an answer that is validated by scientific studies. I would recommend reading "The Blank Slate" by Steven Pinker.
its impossible to answer an abstract question, sometimes there are universally accepted theories, but thats not an answer, its just a good opinion
but i will look at that book, thanks for the suggestion
First of all Locke, this is a debate forum. We usually don't debate when there is a clear and evident truth.
As for the topic, I think it's nature.
I have stated in earlier threads that everything boils down to our genetic material. As infants, everything is dictated by genes. Then, we imitate and later on we copy our parents and siblings which is nature again. However, what we do with that information later on in life is considered nurture because it was what we were taught, but our genes decide how we react to what we were taught. Even random events pass through our ego and id which are controlled through our genes.
Since every cell has the genes to tell every cell what to do, our entire body is controlled by our genetic makeup; and every action that runs through our mind must be controlled by our genes, therefore we act and react as a result of nature.
Individual, twins with identical genes do not have identical lives, personalities, or reactions to things. Genes provide the basis instructions for brain growth, but neural pathways are formed in response to stimulation and learning that influence future decisions.
We are not at the mercy of our genes since our minds can learn to overrule natural urges.