Mon 27 Oct, 2003 12:15 pm
Quote:"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."- George Bernard Shaw
Saw this quote in Refdesk's , "Quote of the Day", and it really hit a chord.
How do you respond to Shaw's idea? Do you agree or disagree with his premise?
I'd agree with the idea in general. There are some people that don't have the ability to move past some circumstances though.
It's a good "positive outlook" as long as you remember to try to help others past their circumstances beyond their control too.
I agree with fishin but would add: You must first believe in free will to do what Shaw is advocating and from what I have observed the majority of people never think of the concept of "free will" until too late if ever at all.
Of Course there are constraints to what one can achieve so a good balanced view of one's honest capabilities relative to one's goals is advisable. This I suspect is why the wise ones advocate setting attainable goals for the average person. Those that know no fear and no limits will always over-achieve IMHO
Good quote, Phoenix.
We humans, when things aren't going too well, do tend to "blame" our condition on circumstance whenever we think we can get away with it.
Far be it for me to invoke Candide, but perhaps the solution is to accept whatever comes our way as "okay" -- and live with the more difficult stuff as best we can.
Can't always pull it off -- but it's worth a try.
I like I like it very much, it's the kind of outlook that liberates you, makes you responsable scary but liberating
I both agree and disagree with certain aspects of GBS's quotation. I do think he is being a bit crusty on this one. The other posters have made good points.
I don't know if I agree ---- doesn't the church advocate that you have a choice between good and bad? Regarding the gov't isn't it just certain agencies within the gov't that want dependence on them such as social services?
You could certainly be correct about certain church leaders and their flocks.