Quote:Monterey Jack: As far as I can tell from your posts, you are accusing peop;le of not accepting science and not relly be scientists ...
That is true. Any reading of any and all of farmerman's posts on this subject will reveal that my accusations are completely justified, farmerman never posted any science or any facts or evidence.
Quote:MJ: when they reject the 9/11 truther conspiracy theory that 9/11 had nothing to do with Islamic terrorists flying planes into the WTC but was in fact a fslse flag operation, and they adduce "science" so-called to support that wacko belief.
You lie here too, Jack. The conspiracy theorists are the people who believe in the US government conspiracy theory. There is no evidence, none whatsoever to support it. I have asked many people, many times to provide evidence for the USGOCT and none has ever been put forward.
That ought to tell you all you need to know, Jack.
Over 3,000 science professionals have studied this extensively and their conclusions are all the same, the three towers were brought down by controlled demolitions. The science and the evidence for this are crystal clear.
Just a few examples:
One: US government proprietary nanothermite was discovered in WTC dust in large volumes. Nanothermite was discovered by US military scientists in the 1990s. No one else in the world has this super explosive, no one else knows how to make it.
You can grasp, I hope, that this "new generation of super explosives" wasn't made in caves in Afghanistan, transported in carry on luggage and tossed all over the twin towers AND WTC7 to bring all three towers in a manner that defies Newton's Laws.
Two: The by products of these nanothermite reactions were also found in large volumes in WTC dust. They were found by many independent scientists, RJLee Group of forensic engineers who were hired by Deutsche Bank, the USGS.
Three: This nanothermite can explain the molten/vaporized WTC structural steel. Alleged hijackers with jet fuel and office furnishings cannot [as in impossible have melted/vaporized WTC structural steel.
farmerman the scientist would never ever address these facts, he never would address the science. His was a plan of obfuscation which is hardly the mark of a scientist.
These three facts, above, are all anyone even needs to know that the US government conspiracy theory is completely false. These three things, by themselves, confirm that there were no Arab hijackers.