Britain to become a republic ????????

Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 03:28 pm
This week there has been yet more pathetic revelations about Britain's Royal Family, Diana, Chuck et. al.
I have come to the conclusion they are an expensive waste of space & should be retired & put out to pasture.
There is speculation in the UK that it could become a republic in the not to distant future. If only........................
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,694 • Replies: 53
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 03:34 pm
as long as you don't turn 'em loose here.....

don't they bring in a fortune in tourist money, though?
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 03:44 pm
Yes Deb they do, but we can still keep the palaces and castles and let tourists climb all over them.
We could hire the RF out via Central Casting and they could do Pantomimes, Summer Resort Shows, TV shows, guess the Royal. I bet a Hollywood Agent would take 'em on as well
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 03:47 pm
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 03:48 pm
Waddaya gonna do with the aris-tee-cats? You're gonna have an overflow of sourpusses and resentment. I know if i had become accustomed to the notion of an inate superiority, and then it was taken away from me, i'd want my money back.
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 03:49 pm
Are you saying that Lizzie and Chuck might have to WORK for a living??? Ah, the shame of it. Imagine having to pay your rent by going on Oprah,
peddling athletic shoes on the telly, and writing tell-all books.

Do you think that someday the Crown Jewels may be available on E-Bay? Laughing
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 03:51 pm
As a citizen of Oz, Britain becoming a republic would be most appreciated. Being the nation of apathetics that we are, it'd save us the trouble....... :wink:
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 03:54 pm
Set,,,,,, I don't think they do refunds. Think of 'em as being a well used Caddy that's seen far better days & worth about $100. But the residuals would come in handy. I'd love to see their tax returns

Phoenix.... they could put plastic copies of the Crown Jewels on e-bay. the originals could be auctioned at Sotherby's, that Set is how we get our wedge back
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 03:57 pm
Jillamanda ------- I don't understand why you guys didn't go for it a couple of years ago. Apathy is one thing but most Ozzies seem to wanna move the goalposts
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 04:11 pm
AaaaaaaaaaH! Now - thereby hangs a sad tale.

The present, conservative, prime Minister is a monarchist - as are a few of his party.

They forced through the notion that, preceding the referendum, there would be a constitutional convention thingy, which would come up with a proposal for how the place would be run sans monarchy.

There was little time, and they voted up an unpopular model (what a surprise!) which was the alternative to the monarchy - instead of seaparating the processes - making the monarchy decision, then working out the alternative.

People hated the model - but that was all there was to choose. So - that, along with our allergy to constitutional change - did us in.

Very clever tactics.
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 04:28 pm
The whole place is run from the top down- it's her majesty's government, armed forces, legislature, you name it.
The Queen's Highway. the Queen's English, for godssakes, it's her language!
So no Queen, no communication. The copyright would lapse with the demise of the monarch, obviously. We would all have to learn a convenient foreign language, like Spanish or German.

What I'm saying is- I forget now. Oh yes, this is not going to be easy. We will have to have a proper revolution, and kill a few hundred of them, possibly by hunting with dogs...in public of course, just like that affair in France. They won't go quietly. They'll want their own news conferences, appearances on Oprah, things like that. Then, we do the deed, and invite George Clooney or Bill Gates to head up the country.
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 04:32 pm
They really have lost virtually all respect.

A bas les aristos!
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 04:53 pm
McTag wrote:
The whole place is run from the top down- it's her majesty's government, armed forces, legislature, you name it.
The Queen's Highway. the Queen's English, for godssakes, it's her language!

You just do what we convicts did, and bastardise the language so much it's no longer regarded as English, but Strine.
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 05:06 pm
well McTag, if we did have a revolution , some one would make quiite a hefty wedge out of the bodybag business for a start and then we would have more and more money spinning changes. As for learning a new language, well the americans speak english, kind of, so we could become an american protectorate. now that would ruffle a few chicken feathers
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 05:23 pm
Oh no ya don't, you gotta pay fer yer own civil defense. You just hadta open up that channel tunnel--well now yer chickens have come home to roost!
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 05:58 pm
set,,,,,,, cock=a=doodle do. the old bulldog might just have a chicken dinner first at the tunnel truck drivers cafe
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 06:24 pm
The prospect of "King Charlie" is reason enough to change a country's form of government. I say go for it...except... I'm not sure we've done much better over here. Look at our current leaders. Perhaps the US would better off as a monarchy. I don't know...
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 06:31 pm
eva,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you can have that loony tony blair and his ego ridden wife cherry if you like. he and geo both bark up similar trees, to little avail. put 'em in a zoo whilst you line up the next election
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 07:24 pm
Eva, John. Camelot.The Kennedys were our royals..I was amused at the correlation between the Hatfields and McCoys on another thread. That was between the good old boys. Now the stakes may be a little higher but the song is still the same, feudin'..fussin' and a fightin' ..Let's get this funeral service over and then..we'll go feudin and a fightin' again.

Good night from Florida
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Reply Sun 26 Oct, 2003 08:21 pm
I would, Letty, but...arrrrgggghhh!...we have another year to go before an election.
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