I voted against having the Olympics and have heard nothing but the $!B spent on security since I got here, but I gotta tell ya, last night, Robson and Granville were so fun!
According the the Vancouver Sun, it's best to get to a Whistler Event FOUR hours before entry, 3 hours if it's on the North Shore, and 2 hours in the City Limits... plus a 1 - 2 hour bus wait in the city.... and don't take a bag over 13 cm x 13 cm or it will be searched. Everyone will have to go through an airport screener.
Otherwise, the BUZZZZZZ is wild!! Crazy Art all over the place, the Zip Line (google it, if you want to know - it's free!!!), music everywhere, people, people, people, laser shows, fireworks, athletic teams (I've already spoken in italiano to some male team of something or other - ha), and the energy is kerazy. Fun, fun, fun.
I think I'll be there next weekend, too... screw my exam!
And the half-time by the Who started out a bit weak but finished just fine... for 65+ yr olds.... Go Indiana!