Sun 7 Feb, 2010 10:05 am
I have two goldfish which are both around 5 years old. They are both a good size but one has gotten increasingly fat in the past couple of weeks. I have looked at the other discussions and I think she is pregnant, but I don't think the other fish is a male. Will the pregnant fish lay eggs if she is not "nudged" by a male or will the eggs stay in her? Also, she has a couple scales that are flaking off around her belly and the rest of the scales look like they are standing on end. Any ideas?
I think Goldfish lay eggs regardless of whether there is a male around or not. But the eggs won't be fertilized without a male around. I don't know anything about the loose scales.
Maybe your goldfish has bloat?
Symptoms: Bloating of the body, protruding scales.
Dropsy is caused from a bacterial infection of the kidneys, causing fluid accumulation or renal failure. The fluids in the body build up and cause the fish to bloat up and the scales to protrude. It appears to only cause trouble in weakened fish and possibly from unkempt aquarium conditions.
An effective treatment is to add an antibiotic to the food. With flake food, use about 1% of antibiotic and carefully mix it in. If you keep the fish hungry they should eagerly eat the mixture before the antibiotic dissipates. Antibiotics usually come in 250 mg capsules. If added to 25 grams of flake food, one capsule should be enough to treat dozens of fish. A good antibiotic is chloromycetin (chloramphenicol). Or use tetracycline. If you feed your fish frozen foods or chopped foods, try to use the same ratio with mixing. As a last resort add at most 10 mg per liter of water. Also, if unkempt conditions are the suspected cause, correct it.
do eggs hav to be fertilized to hatch
Yes, they do. In all living creatures. Only Jesus was born by immaculate conception.