Hi Wiseman,
Word 2000 and XP acl files (acl = auto correct list) are stored in a path such as...
C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\[username]\
You'll find there are several language-specific .acl files in the relevant folder (all named MSO*.acl), and normally only one of these is actually used by Word. The file for American English, which you're using, is MSO1033.acl. (The number used in the filename is the LocaleID, listed in this KB article:
WD2000: Supported Language ID Reference Numbers (LCID) )
In this KB article, there is brief mention of what to do if your acl file is causing problems:
Is the AutoCorrect (ACL) File Causing the Problem?
In that article they mention deleting your acl files, except for Mso1033.acl, Mso2057.acl, and Mso3081.acl.
Some other things I'd recommend if that doesn't work are...
- Locating the file mentioned in the error (I wrote its path at the top), and check to make sure it's not set as read only.
- Log on to your pc using the Administrator account and check if the problem persists.
- Uninstall Office again, but this time manually make sure your acl files are deleted before reinstalling Office.