Wilso - at least you're fluent, lol. I read way too much as a kid, but I was aweful at any kind of speaking. Still am, really. I'll forget words just out of the blue. Sometimes I'll remember them in Spanish, but I can't seem to keep my English vocabulary from escaping every once in a while. I forgot the word "pride" in the middle of a class discussion once and could only remember the Spanish word, orgullo. I probably sat there for five mintutes trying to think what I was going to say until someone corrected me. When I was a kid, I would talk with my hands more than my mouth and sometimes just repeat the start of the sentence over and over again until I remembered the word. They called me the broken record player.

I also end up repeating myself even when I don't forget things. However, I can usually type my essays in very little time at all, and I haven't needed to do an edit in 5 years, at least not in English, and my mistakes in any case are limited to simple typos. I once gave a great speech, but that was after DAYS of practicing, when I practically had it memorized anyway.