Sat 30 Jan, 2010 03:33 am
OK, so I was wandering through my local market today (Saturday) just before closing time .... only to discover an unusually high number of those last minute, throw out specials ... $2 each for bags of corn, bags of those little, long thin eggplants, bags of nectarines .. so ripe that they required eating in the next half hour .....
Usually I don’t get sucked by to these last minute offers. I mean, what is a one person household gonna do with 24 very ripe corn cobs, which need to be consumed immediately, before they go off? Forget it.
But these bags of apricots looked rather better than that. Anyway, I figured that there’d be a fair number of over-ripe ones, which would require immediate confiscation ... & the rest could be shared between me & friends.
Wrong. Not such a good idea. I don’t think friends would exactly appreciate these hard little rocks. And I have no wish to offend them with a rather dodgy gift, so ..... now I have a BIG bag of under-ripe apricots on my hands. I tried one for taste & texture. Rock hard, but to my taste, not too bad at all. (I’m not a major sweet tooth).
I should add that I also bought up big on white nectarines (which I love & which are in season " yum!), plus a huge cantaloupe (which passed the sniff test for ripeness), so getting through these hard little apricot beasts is rather a challenge.
Any useful suggestions?
Culinary or “other”? (You can be as creative as you like!)
I will consider anything!
I will seriously consider anything from mulch, to stuff fit to eat, to ..... ?
They are just sitting there, waiting ....
can you dry them?
(i'll not be verra creative, i'm past bedtime)
Is it a good idea to dry unripe apricots, Rocky?
I honestly don't know.
are you familiar with a spud gun?
(but unripe, they might hurt somebody...)
Obviously the (super cheap) cost is not my motive here,
It's the challenge!
No, the spud gun is a totally new concept to me.
Are you suggesting I take these apricots out into the backyard & shoot them?
warn your nebbors first of course...
No offense, Rocky ... but I await other, less violent solutions.
But thank you for you input! Most appreciated.
ok, it's me again.
it's a slow night, so ima offer another query...
why can't you ripen them and then make a cobbler or 10?
gram uses a paper bag to ripen fruit all the time.
(for 35 you might need to get more bags...)
Cook them down and make a jam or sauce, mince up peppermint for color. Great with english muffins and cream cheese.
Even in this rock-hard state, Sglass?
Quote:why can't you ripen them
Ah. I was interested to know that.
Will the little devils ripen?
And, if so, what's the best way to do it?
gram does a paper bag on a shady window sill, but we are poor country folk.
surely some organic chemist will wander by...
The paper bag might well do the trick, for all I know, Rocky!
You think I need an organic chemist's advice?
it is a2k and all.
plus, it gives them something to do besides nerdy stuff...
There is that! True.
I'm going off to cook a (late) dinner now.
I shall return!
don't forget the sacks...
if anyone asks what you need all of them for, just tell them you are going to take your cats shopping.
they won't ask you many more questions after that...