@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:
OmSigDAVID wrote:I have always supported racial profiling.
If a victim complains to 911 of crime perpetrated by a black,
then police shoud be on the alert for fleeing blacks,
of whatever size and clothing has been indicated,
not looking for whites nor Chinamen.
There are few who object to this kind of thing
after the fact.
It's the precognition scenario that most people care about.
Well, Robert, u raise a question that is most intriguing indeed.
I always try to be consistent.
I believe that people who
look like Atta & friends who committed
the 9/11 massacre, logically shoud receive closer scrutiny than
red heads, but it shoud be
limited to searching them
with more meticulous care. (Particularly those travelling with
passports from places with large Moslem populations.)
I am confident that most child molesters have been adult males.
(except for other inquisitive children)
Well, one difference between sexual assault on a child and 9/11
was application of force. Unarmed
brute force was
used to murder the flight deck crew, whereas, a child seated
in the plane can easily stop any intrusion on his privacy.
I remember once many decades ago, when a homosexual sat down
next to me in a movie theater, with an untoward request.
I took offense. I raised my voice, in rejection.
I don 't recall my exact words, but I remember calling him
a "
DAMN QUEER". That was the end of that.
Seated on planes, children r not defenseless: merely raising
an alarm will control the situation harmlessly, in the midst
of 100s of people.
Presumably, the adult male passenger has a reserved seat.
I always do. It is a violation of his contract with the airline
for which he has paid his fare, to be ousted from his seat.
I don 't argue that swarthy Moslems shoud be removed
from their seats, only that thay be more carefully searched.