Mon 4 Jan, 2010 02:11 pm
Heyy Well Im 13 Almost 14 and i realy dont like my weight and i would like to know how to lose some of it well urmm i am a vegaterian

and i've asked my parents to help and all they said was do some exersize wich dont help so yeah please help me cuz im sick of being the person everyone looks down on so please anything would help at the moment

Hi Rockin - welcome to A2K.
How tall are you and what do you weigh?
You are a vegetarian, but what else do you eat?
There is a new idea on being healthy for 2010. It's substituing healthy for bad eathing habits. For example, if you drink pop, exchange it for water.
Quote:How Can A 13 Yeah Old Girl Lose Weight??
Why does a 13 year old girl want to lose weight? Anorexia is a far more serious problem/disease in this country among teen-aged girls than obesity/overweight.