Hi BillRM,
Thank for your attention, with out your reliable hostile opinions. Why every one ells on this site thinks everything I say is correct. That's why not many reply.
I appreciate opposing comments. Even though I can see you are having trouble maintaining your argument.
That is I asked you to give one example of American, intervention success.
Without mentioning ww2, because every one was in that one, and any way the British, had to fight that one on their own for two year. While America, sat on the fence thinking about what side they were going to back, and to give America, time to build an army.
Plus we have had that argument before. You are stuck in ww2, must be an age thing.
As for women,s rights that is just not a good reason for invading another country. It would be like my hearing the people in the house next to me fighting, and the woman in the house being slapped about and screaming. So I bravely think I must stand up for this woman and help her. I go to the house smash down the door flattening her chilled under the door then kill her husband.
So this woman is not very grateful I wonder why?
People have to help them selves.
Taliban Executions, I don't believe that the state any state should have the right to execute.
The Taliban executions are no worst than any other country's. Stoning, was a common form of execution in Christan Law, and Islam. The reason is, It makes the whole community a part of justice. Islamic law is about being just, an eye for an eye. You may have heard that to men have just been found guilt of cutting off a woman's nose and ears. The men have been given the same punishment. Not nice but just. America, has some vile forms of execution Gas, Electrocution, Hanging, and perhaps the most vile Lethal injection.
Your argument does not hold up invading another nation like Iraq,to help the people get rid of their tyrant is not the truth. After all why not invade Burma, or Simbarbway.
The reason for invading Iraq, is the same as it has always been OIL!
everything ells is a lie.
Gorge W Bush, Tony Blair, and John Howard, are war criminals!