.... to fill them in on the big gaps in their knowledge & enjoyment?
What would you tell them was worth listening to?
What would you say were the "not to be missed or ignored" music trends during this period?
What would you say were your very favourite musicians during this time? Why so?(mainstream or obscure, whichever you really liked)
I ask because, for some unknown reason, I just lost the thread, switched off, stopped listening around 15 (maybe a bit more) years ago. Dunno why exactly, but that's what happened. Prior to this I LOVED music. Everything about it. Used rush out & buy music I'd never heard of, on the basis of enthusiastic reviews in places like NME & long before that, Rolling Stone, etc ... (must say, I acquired quite a bit of crap as a result, but never mind ...)
Recently I heard a very funny conversation between two comedians on ABC radio, talking about when one realizes one had actually become old. One suggested the moment was when you actually believed that all the good music had actually happened (in your own heyday, of course!
) and there was nothing new
remotely interesting to be listened to ever again! Perhaps that's it?
Anyway, I've recently had a really great time YouTubing (since changing to broadband, at long last! Hooray!), catching up on old favourites ... but I now think a catch-up is in order ..
So, I'd be delighted if some of you pointed me in the right direction/s .. Like, what's been going on, man?
It'd be good to have a little explanation, even one line or so will do, about the music you've selected. Why this particular choice?
Thanks in advance! Let's see what you come up with.
No rush. Take your time, OK?