Tue 21 Oct, 2003 05:40 am
A few weeks ago, in a fit of "hee-hee," i started seven threads, entitled Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, Sloth, Wrath and Pride. The responses were modest in number, but i think people gave honest answers--honest in that they expressed their true feelings on those topics.
I was mostly amusing myself, but i'm not totally unconscious when i do these things. I noticed that many people equivocated on the topics, that these things might be bad if done excessively, but that a little pride (for example) is not a bad thing, that we might all occassionally lose our temper, that gorging on one's favorite ice cream now and again is harmless, etc.
Do you think that this is moral relativism, examples of situational ethics? Would that be a bad thing? Are there moral absolutes, injunctions on our behavior from which there is not reasonable appeal? Is a contention of "deadly sin" a form of irrational moral absolutism, or a standard to which all ought aspire? How do you feel about the more general concept?
Personally, I think it is a dumb-ass term. I've sinned plenty and I'm still....aauuugh!! <thump>
Cav ? . . .
Cav ? ! ? ! ?
Phew...just a mild coronary....I ate some beef jerky and feel much better now. Maybe I should start sinning more, leave the wife to pay the debts.
Now, if you want a serious answer, I think that unless one is born feral, some sense of morality will be instilled in you from an early age. Even a heroin addict probably gives the "Son, don't turn out like me" speech in brief moments of clarity. I believe in a universal morality, which can be taught without the spectre of religion. Religion makes it easy for people, which stops them from thinking, and that to me is a deadly sin.
I think that each of those "deadly sins" is a fine thing in reasonable amounts.
How about the Seven Heavenly Virtues? Shall we give them equal time?
Actually, Mac, you stole my thunder. When this particular teapot tempest had run its course, i intended to start seven threads on the virtues . . . now you've gone and spoiled all my fun . . .
Well, while it's here then....I find that intemperance helps to convince one that all the others are indeed virtues. Let's take charity for example. When you come home stinking drunk from a bachelor party or something, and flip on the TV, and see one of those Christian Children's Fund commercials, you are far more likely to get emotional and call them up to make a pledge than if you were sober, thinking, "I'm watching Sienfeld and really don't want to be bothered with this depressing crap."
Faith: Comes while bending over the toilet with the "Please god, please....just let me live, and I promise I'll believe in you...."
I'll think of more, I'm sure. Feel free to discuss seriously though, if you want.
Whoops! Sorry Setanta! I could edit that out if you'd like...I guess it was imprudent of me to think that you hadn't considered the big picture.
No problem, Mac, i'm glad you brought it up. Those ideas in seven separate thread likely wouldn't have had much impact, nor gotten much response. Beside that, Cav is having a ball with the ideas already.
Hope . . . maybe i can sneak in and sleep it off before the wife finds out . . .
Justice and Fortitude: I'm drunk enough to forget my inhibitions and intoxicatingly strong enough to save that woman from that gunman. Once more into the breach mates!
I don't think it's relativism, it's just proof that the "seven deadly sins" are not so deadly after all. Besides, anything in excess is bad. Water in excess will kill you, but you need it to live. Everyone needs a healthy amount of pride, greed, gluttony, and the rest, as well.
Well, I'm thinking of starting an online busisiness on letter of indulgence.
So I'll follow this thread with special interest.
I'm sorry, Walter, but i frown on simony being practiced in my threads . . .
Free trial version - 30 days limited:
Simony my crap. What's wrong kids? Oh, just do the vicar a "favour" in the "rectory", he'll buy it for you.