Thank you for the suggestions and for your and others understanding Neil was/is an overweight, openly Jewish homosexual and atheist liberal.
He was in fact one of the very early supporter of Obama long before most of us knew who Obama happen to be.
For the last decade or so, he claimed to hate the South Florida area and move to Canada where he used the internet to keep producing his show to the same area he claimed to hate from his Canadian apartment.
Let see with all that he always had one of the highest rating radio shows in the market place and was commanding a salary in his last contract of over 800 thousands dollars a year down from a contract of 1.6 millions a year. He was known to cry tears on the air over this salary cut.
He did not do interviews and it was mainly a one-man show with some help from his producer/side-kick.
All in all you would need to hear the man to have an understanding of him and his show.
See the link below.