U did not comment on my remarks. I prepared them for
(set forth again for your convenience below)
altho, in fairness, u DID take the trouble to analyse
ever so kind of u.
McTag wrote:
There is liberty here, I would confirm.
O, really ????
If your life, or your child's life, or your mom 's life,
is about to be extinguished by burglars,
do u have the legal liberty to open up on them with a shotgun?
or submachinegun?
How about a pistol? Maybe a revolver?
Do u have enuf liberty to grab a pillow from your bed,
and try to
smother the attempted murderers?
or maybe throw your shoe at them like Nikita Khrushchev ?
(Maybe I shoud not use so much sarcasm; sorry.)
Quote:We're not slaves to an idea born in the 1770s,
that was already getting too old in the 1880's.
Freedom of contract?