David wrote:If he will spend a few years in prison,
it will give him time to contemplate the wisdom of trusting police.
Francis wrote:I have a hard time believing that you could have been a lawyer, David.
Was it in another life?
I made a living that way for a long time, but not in England nor France.
Impressing u does me no good; I can 't put that in the bank.
I shoud add that no lawyer in America worth his salt
woud advise anyone to trust the police. That woud be
Francis wrote:He will not spend years in prison for this kind of offense.
I have no opinion about what the English will do about it.
Francis wrote:It was not the police that was not to be trusted but the justice..
I don't know what that sentence means,
except that I think u claim that the police
ARE trustworthy.
In America, we know for a fact that this is not true
and that it is among their standard operating procedures
to employ deception in many ways. Thay deem mendacity to be appropriate on-the-job.
I have no information qua what police are doing now in England,
except that there
WAS a retired English police officer who complained
of being forced to lie in his statistical calculations (before he retired)
in order to make gun control look good, e.g., making multiple felonies
committed against multiple victims at the same time & place count as only
ONE crime.
I have no information whatsoever of what the police do in France,
so accordingly I will not comment thereupon.