okay, i'll try and broach this one.
If you gave the blind guy an infinate number of tries and an infinate amount of time to find the grain I'm sure he would manage it 300 times in less than 45 million years. Also not all the amino acids need neccesarily be formed on earth since we have found them elsewhere in the solar system.
Also if the car was a living organisim your second argument would be valid. Except that car parts could not exist without a car.
macroevolution, yes it takes millions of years to form from goo. but to say that there is no evidence for intermediary states is wrong, there is. And to say that they are unlikely to survive is wrong too, most of the evolutionary steps would come about in order to survive, eat better, get higher food, kill bigger things outsmart your preadator. Without competition for food, resources, survival, there is no evolution just stagnation. a single celled organisim grows larger to consume another, smaller single celled organisim.
The whole mess is a hell of a lot more complicated than that, the cambrian explosion was likely a reaction to a change in environment, perhaps food was less or even more abundant or even perhaps just harder to get. Or even Oxygen was more available (as it was during the cambrian period) allowing more diversity. We don't know because we were not there, we just look back and try and guess what happened and you look back and guess that it is all a lie.
If you need a more modern analogy. My wife is researching her family tree, there is alot of documentation to look at names dates, and she has to guess which one is her relative and then try and prove it, and if it doen't pan out she guesses again. She doesn't stop there and say, "we must have been magically created by god in that moment." If it were I would have never found out that my great-grandmother was scottish or that my wife is related to James brindley the master canal builder.