@Merry Andrew,
Quote:Now that it's been brought up, I'm pretty sure that I've never ever bought a single issue of VF. Only time I've ever seen a copy is on someone else's coffee table or in someone's witing room. Is it worth reading at all?
It's got some great writing. It leans Liberal but it's not exclusively Liberal. I usually ignore the cover stories because they're about celebrities and they're pretty boring, and of course, the Proust thing, which is pretty dumb. Most people who've never picked it up think it's another celebrity rag. They cover everything-- Politics, money, current scandals. They had a fantastic article about the Boeing plane that Chesley Sullenberger cruised into the Hudson-- really well-written. I'd say their strength in coverage is indepth and serious overview.
I've also given a couple of people gift subscriptions. You'd be surprised how good it is...