According to a Yahoo news earticle from API:
Americans seem to be losing previously held beliefs in the validity of "global warming" theories, as shown in the 20 % decrease in the # of Americans who
believe global warming is a really important issue -- as opposed to their numbers three years ago. Personally; all that I can say I have noticed in the
past 4-5 years is that the weather here in northern Florida now bears much more resemblance to the kind of summer weather in the Orlando, Lakeland, Tampa area in the summers ...with the persistent daily noon thunderstorms all summer long & very cloudy & overcast days with far more rainy weather here in northeast Florida on our little barrier island. It IS unusual. I'm more used to that deadly heat, glaring sun and day after day of unforgivingly hot and glaring sunny afternoons have been far more the norm since I moved here 25 yrs ago AND we've never had weather quite like this in N.E.FL coast areas. Now WHAT IT IS that is behind such changes as these could no doubt be like looking for a needle in a haystack. To say with any surety that global warming is behind these changes seems to be jumping to catastrophic conclusions (and we KNOW how newspeople, our newspapers, CNN and The Weather Channel just LOVE to make a great big catastrophe out of a bad thunderstorm - as if it was the worst hurricane in years; prompting the local population to go absolutely crazy.....buying up plywood, bottled water, batteries etc. as though a deadly hurricane really was on the way. I feel that these people are behaving in a very irresponsible manner going around frightening the public over something that's still 4 or 5 days offshore. I'm wondering what do you folks believe NOW with respect to the concept of global warming & if you have had time to read up on this issue and/or come to any kind of serious conclusions/decisions of your own. And if so - please DO just jump in and share what you think about global warming, if you've made any decision at all.