It was a trip, i'll tell ya. One night, i woke up, the first time in days that i was certain of my surroundings and relatively aware. I got up, walked to the end of the bed, and sat down on a chair there to rest for about ten minutes. Then i got up, walked to the door of the ward, and sat down again to rest. After about ten minutes, i got up, walked across the hall to the shower room, and sat down to rest. Then, after a few minutes, i took off my hospital pajamas (the army really gives you great stuff like that, decent pajamas and a robe--not that indecent crap civilian hospitals put you in), and then sat down to rest again. Then i went into a shower stall and turned the water on as hot as i could stand it and just stood there.
About twenty minutes later, the nurse came in and helped me get up off the floor where i had been sitting ever since my legs had given out on me about 15 minutes earlier. Fortunately, the water hadn't gone cold yet, it was still warm. We took our time, she helped me get dressed and then we went back into the ward and she helped me back into bed. With her help, that only took us about ten minutes. There's about eight or nine days there i lost completely, no memories immediately afterward and none since that time.