Thu 16 Oct, 2003 06:11 pm
You know how certain things can change your life forever. How one day, even one minute can alter things to the point that you don't even recognize them anymore, and all you have left are the memories of how things use to be. Let me tell you about this girl, a girl with a spirit, and potential, and how it all changed, in the blink of an eye.
Marin was her name. A name you don't hear very often, and she believed it gave her Pizzazz. She was one of those average brown haired, brown eyed, tiny, good looking girls, but her personality, made her all the more beautiful. She could mean as all hell, or she could be your best friend, and do anything for you.
She was your average junior in High School, but she had a fetish for the guys. She preferred their company, and only them. The girls that surrounded her by the day, were stared down the second they came near. She never liked me, she never even talked to me, and how did I know her you ask? Well you see, I'm the one that altered her entire life, and mine as well. She hung out with my boy friend. Him and her, they got along great. I would have forbade him to go anywhere near her, but she had been there long before me, so there was not a thing I could do, except forbid him to touch her. Which I did.
Marin never heard a word of this for over a year, but when she did, she laughed. And from that day, she tormented me. She'd see me come up the hall, and run her hand down the front of his chest. She paid extra attention to him, and I hated her for it. I knew what she was up too, and I knew she was manipulative enough to do it. She had shared him with me long enough, and it was time to have him all to herself again.
Now the thing about Marin is not that she's selfish, but the fact that she doesn't like to share, and in her eyes her boys belong to her. So to her, me going out with my boy friend was like her loaning him to me, and my lease was up. So it began, her little master plan, and at first I was completely clueless. I never noticed that my boy friend was spending less and less time with me. It was so subtle. Then one day, when he said he would meet me, he never showed up. I never thought that he had ditched me for Marin, but he had, and how she did, was all the more manipulative.
She told him she had a recent story she wrote, that it was going to be sent in to a contest, and he needed to see it, cause it had to be sent in that day. Of course she never wrote anything, she pretended that it had disappeared. So when he said he should go and meet me, she convinced him that I probably already left. It was time for phase two. The phase were she has him fall madly in love with her. Which may I add I already did. I loved my boy friend. I loved him more than life itself. I was a manic depressant before him, he kept me happy, and I needed him, more than anything.
It's not hard for Marin to make a guy fall in love with her. Something about her that no guy can resist, I wish I knew what it was. Maybe I could have warned him, or done it myself. But I didn't and she had started. He was beginning to love her. And soon, it would be more than me.
Little by little, he slipped through my fingers. Never once did I realize at first that he was with her, she had convinced him to lie to me, the evil bitch. And she was so good at it. Finally it had happened. One day after school, she convinced him to come to her house, and she drove in the last spike. Coming over to him with that mischievous smile, and an atmosphere around her that could intrigue anyone into her presence, she came over to the foot of the bed, crawling over him in an erotic way. She made him believe that it would be all worth it, that only he and she existed and that he could not resist her. She took him, took him into her world, into herself. He was in her power, and she was not letting go. When he left, I knew he felt guilty, but she was too powerful, and she had him in her clutches. He came over that night, and he was distant, as if in another place, but stuck here in the same sense. I didn't have a clue, and I kick myself now for it. I should have been more observant, better, and worth something more.
It wasn't till he slipped up and told his friend that I caught on. And as I told you earlier, she was going to make him hers. And I knew it, and why I was so oblivious, I have not a clue. That's the problem. I should have known, I was expecting it. And that's another thing if I was expecting, I should have been ready to hear it when his friend told me. But I could not control what happened. After he was done telling me, I stood there, frozen, in a stunned silence. Then she came strolling down the hall of our school. She through a look my way that is hard to describe. It said so many things. Challenging me, taunting me, telling me she had won, and that she was above me. And the glance was only two seconds long. I watched her continue down the hall way, never did she look back. She was meeting someone. My boy friend. She gave him a hug, and the smile on his face was like he was in heaven, and in the presence of an angel. He looked up and saw me. His smile remained but it changed. It was no longer exquisite bliss, but dread, he knew he had to approach me. His head turned in her direction, and he said something to her. They separated and she continued down the hall. He came to me.
He hugged me and gave me a what felt like a forced kiss. I looked at him and began to cry. I ran off, bursting through the exit of the school and ran home. I buried my face in my pillow and sobbed for hours. I wanted to kill her, I wanted her dead. To let her be nothing more than a mere memory. I sat up, there was no longer any light. Night had fallen. I knew exactly where she would be. I dug under my bed where I had buried my knife. I had buried it there because I thought I would never need it again. I had only used it to cut myself in my depression, and when my boy friend entered my life, I never thought I would need it again. It didn't take me long to find it. I slipped into my pocket, and headed for the park. She would be walking through soon, It was how she got home from work. So I sat on a bench and waited.
Minutes that seemed like hours later she came down the path. She saw me. She was going to walk right past me, but I stood up and blocked her path. She stopped, and glared at me, warning me to move, But I refused to.
"How could you?" I asked her, "How could you do such a thing?"
Her warning eyes faded, and she smiled. Smiled! "He was never yours, you know? I was simply reclaiming what was mine, he needed a little reminding, and so did you." Was her reply.
I couldn't believe what I heard. She could have sorry, She could have said she really loved him, but she didn't. She said the most evil hurtful thing possible. She was done. She told me everything. She told me how she did it, when she did. She said so evil, dominating. Sending me the message that she was a force not to be reckoned with.
"I hate you," were the only words I could choke out. I was sobbing. "Your going to pay!" I screamed.
I charged her. I slammed into her side, but she simply just grabbed a handful of my hair, ripped me backwards, slamming me to the ground. She leaned over. Looking me over. Trying to decide what to do with me. Finally she reached down grabbing the top of my head by my hair. Pulling to my knees, not letting me come any higher or sink back down.
"You don't know who you messin' with, doll." she said maliciously. "Stand down, and you'll be just find."
I knew I shouldn't of done it, I knew it wasn't worth it, but at that moment my hatred for her grew to an overwhelming size. I consumed me. She watched my face, watching me sob, watching me in agony. But she wasn't watching me draw the knife from my pocket.
"I hate you," I muttered through clenched teeth. I stabbed her in the stomach, right below the rib cage, then drew the knife back out. She used her free hand to cover the wound, but she never screamed. She just let out a low ah sound and drew in a breath through her teeth. She looked down at it, never releasing me. When she removed her hand from her wound she looked at it, seeing the blood enraged her. With the same hand she back handed me across the face. Letting me fall to the concrete. She walked around me, clasping her side. Watching me gasp for air, watching me suffer. She kicked me in my side, making oxygen harder to get. She then stepped my wrist to pry the knife out of my hand. All I knew was that I could not let her win. I rolled over. Drawing a breath I stood up.
"You don't know when to quit, do you?" she said sternly.
"I'll kill you," I told her. "I'll ******* murder you!"
She through the knife on the ground.
"Pick it up," she said carelessly. "Go ahead, kill me."
I walked over to it, never taking my eyes off her. I bent over to pick it up, but the pain in my side was strong. It was a struggle, a struggle she took advantage of. Marin walked over, silently, I didn't even know till she kicked me in my head. I fell, but right next to the knife. She then began to walk away. I picked the knife up and struggled to my feet. She was hurt, the stab wound was now beginning to take it's toll, along with the loss of blood. She was stumbling, but she never fell. Just stumbled. I walked as fast as my body would allow. It didn't take long for me to catch up to her.
I raised my arm, and thrusted the knife in her back. She still never screamed, only just fell to her knees and then landed flat on the ground. She was alive though. I straddled myself across her back and placed my hand on her forehead and pulled her head upright. I then slit her throat and watched the blood pour to the ground. I let her head go and stood up and threw the knife down beside her.
I began to cry, because I couldn't believe what I had done. So I walked over to a tree not far away from her body and sat down. I guess I expected her to get back up. That she was only passed out. But she never did. I staid there through the night. Just staring, I think I started to believe that she was breathing.
The sun rose hours later, but it didn't seem long enough. A morning saw the blood from where our battle first started and then followed it's trail over the hill, where he laid eyes on her body. He called for help. I staid there. The cops were the first to see me. They asked me if I saw anything, and I told them I murdered her.
They arrested me. Of course you know that don't you. And now I'm here. Talking to you. Telling you the story. I lost everything. I guess even though she's dead, she's smiling to herself, knowing she won in the end. I know she would of been someone, I know she would of been someone great, but she never would have changed. She still would of been evil, and manipulative, and thinking she's the center of the world. In the end, I might of done future girls a favor. But that's no excuse is it?
"No, it's not," Interrogator answered.
"Didn't think so. I really hated her. She deserved to die. I'll believe that forever. You know that, right?"
"Well let's hope not. Thank you for your cooperation Miss Kerin, and I'll see you at your trial," he said, getting up and walking to the door.
"So you see how life changes," Cara says to stop him. "And all I'm left with are the memories of how things use to be. And it all could have been avoided if I hadn't forbade my boy friend from touching her. Isn't that funny, the way things turn out because of one simple demand."
"Now that you mention it, it is kinda funny," he admits, and walks out the door.
Well written, Lizzy. Fiction?
Zowee! How many lives have changed in an instant? You captured that one well!
You have a knack for good storytelling. I would like to encourage you to continue to develope your writing skills.
A word from the author.
it's both fiction and non fiction. I'm the evil bitch, marin, that stole a girl's bf, and of course, me writing this, tells that I didn't get murdered. She sent someone after me to beat me up, unfortunatlely it didn't work the way she wanted it to. Sorry to those who get offended by my life style. But that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Thank you for the compliment on story telling. Right now I'm working on a modern fairy tale. If your interested in that, I would be happy to send it to you.