Court order to gain conatct for none parent

Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 04:29 pm
how does it get to a stage where a none parent takes a single mother to county court .. for a second time ?

this man who is a father .. has two girls of his own ... 16 an 12 .. wants to have contact with a another child that has no biological connection to him what soever .. his only really connection is that he used to babysit for the mother of the child in question an that the child in question is friends with the fathers children ...

this is the second time that he has attempted this .. despite being told by the police and the mother that he is to have no contact with the child .. he has even resorted to making arrangements to meet the girl behind her mothers back .. even to the point of buying her a mobile phone and putting credit on it .....
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Type: Discussion • Score: 2 • Views: 1,697 • Replies: 12
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Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 04:31 pm
What is the man taking the girl's mother to court for? does he want contact, visitation, custody?
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Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 04:40 pm
he wants contact with the child .. although his kids do have contact at the same school . he is the one tht wants the contact ... he is not the father of the child .. but has now commenced court proceedings for a second time ..
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 04:53 pm
What does the child think about the request for contact?

Whether or not the person requesting contact is the child's parent is not necessarily of any interest to the courts.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 05:01 pm
the reason why the mother stopped the child having contact with this man in the fisrt place was that she had been told that her child an his child both then of 9 years .. were sleeping in the same bed ... she stopped her children going to his house on the this .. but did not stop the friendship with the children... he however has done what ever he can do to initiate any kind of contact with the child behind her mothers back .. has arranged to meet her an take her to the park .. McDonald's .. mobile phone an credit on it ...
the child being a child as would a lot of children would like the attention of someone spending time with them .. as i said a single mum on benefits is an easy target .... an i'm not sayin any of this out of malice as i know this the father . He is or wa my brother ....
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 06:12 pm
but what of the parent/s?

where does it stop ?

there are things that children should be involved in that concerns them ... but there are also things that children are involved in but should be left to adult's to decide what should happen .. i mean what would happen if a person say a friend decided he/she wanted to see your child ?.. did not matter what your views were except that they wanted to have contact with your child .. what would you do ?

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Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 06:21 pm
What do you mean "is or was my brother" -- has there been a breach in your relationship? If so, is it related to this?

When this guy tries to have contact with the child in question, is it just him, alone, or with his own kids? As in, does he try to take all the kids to McDonald's, or does he try to personally, on his own, meet the child (just the two of them)?

And aside from all of the stuff where he's trying to make contact against the mothers' wishes, is the fact that the two nine-year-olds slept in the same bed the sole cause for the rift in the first place?
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 06:42 pm
This sounds fishy - a man obsessed with seeing a child of the opposite sex (NOT his own child)???

Id have a restraining order against this guy.

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Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 06:46 pm
it is sort of .. but my point being though he has no biological connection to these children whatsoever .. where does it stop .. if he is allowed to proceed in getting a contact order to see this child against the parents wishes .. where does he draw the line .. who's to say he will not go for a residence order so that the child he got the contact order for has to live with him ... though the child may like this .. being that he may have more money to spend on her than the mother has being a single parent ..... is this going to be a right thing for the child ... ?

as for the breech in our relationship he stopped being my brother the da6y he stood in crown court an gave evidence against his own son and my son whom had been abused by an already convicted Paedophile because i stood with the mother of the child he is wanting contact with ......
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:03 pm
the facts seem to dribble out like molasses on a cold day.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:07 pm
meaning ?
read whats wrote ..... the facts are there
Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 06:59 am
I do see what he means though... I get that it's hard to put everything pertinent in the original post, but each new post kind of puts a new spin on things.

From what you've said so far, I could still see things going a few ways.

Best-case scenario:

Two nine-year-old girls shared a bed on a sleepover. (I have an 8-yr-old girl, it's not unusual and I wouldn't find that worrisome.) The mom of one of the girls freaked out about it and forbade the girls from having contact outside of school. The girls are best friends and are sad about this. The other girl's dad decides to help out his daughter because he thinks the reason for the sudden cessation of contact is bogus and because she's sad, and he goes ahead and gets the kids together for lunch at McDonald's, etc. (You didn't respond if he was ferrying his own kids or if he wanted to meet the girl for one-on-one time.)

Worst-case scenario:

The dad is a pedophile and was using his daughters to help groom this girl for abuse. He is trying to have contact with her so he can pursue his interests in abusing her.

I don't know right now which is more likely, or if the truth lies at some point in between. If you're asking in general, I can see situations where it's perfectly legitimate for a non-parent to want contact with a child (and for a child to want contact with that non-parent). In this situation, I dunno. Some things sound weird for sure, and the dad seems to at the very least be going about this in a graceless way. But I can also see that things might be shaped in a certain way in your telling. So I dunno.
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Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 05:29 pm
Thanks to all those that have posted a responce .. i did however fail to metion in my post that this man had been sleeping in the same bed as the two girls .. one being his own daughter and the other being the subject of this topic.. hence why the mother stopped her kids going to his house an having contact with him ....
2 years ago he took the mother to court to get a contact order in order to see both her youngest daughters ... now one of these being 16 he has no interest in gainin a contact order for her ... but has gone outta his way to get some contact with her ... she is 11 years old an just gone into high school ....

if anyone wants any further information please ask me ..
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