Tue 29 Sep, 2009 08:09 pm
I want to save energy while making the use of the air-conditionar cost-efficient. However, out of the following two theories/options, i am not sure which one is the better to follow. I would be highly appreciative if you would help me make the right choice.
>Given that the thermostat setting should be kept at 78 deg F, which one the following two options is better to go with:
Option A: One should shut down the AC unit every single time one goes outside (for ex. for a days work)
Option B: One should leave the AC running at 78 deg (or turn it a little higher) when going outside and shut the unit off ONLY when leaving for longer period of time such as multiple days.
Please advice.
Thanks a million,
I go with leaving it on all day, and shutting it down for multiple days of absence.
Florida Power & Light recommends keeping your thermostat at 82 if leaving for more than 4 hours. This is for a 1,500 sq ft under air house. They say it takes less power to bring the temperature down to 78 from 82 than it does to keep it there.(78)
Keep the FAN on at all times. The air needs to circulate in the home.