hawkeye10 wrote:in this case AOC is the prism through which we see how the Europeans and the Americans have different ideas about teen sexuality and the criminality of such.
What are you on about? You said the line should be 15, the victim was 13. And it wasn't consensual either.
If you say there should be a line, then there should be punishment for crossing it. But then you sometimes acknowledge this, when you say he should have been punished back the 70s. Thing is, that's his own fault that he wasn't, it doesn't make sense to not punish the criminals just because they run away.
So yes, you
are all over the place, and you
aren't logically consistent.
Quote:We got to this point by arguing the extradition of Polanski from Europe to face a likely punishment that is outrageous by European sensibilities might be grounds to refuse to extradite him, on the grounds that the europeans have already developed the legal requirements to refuse to hand over to America people who will subject to unreasonable punishment (the death penalty).
This really has nothing at all to do with arguments against extraditing Polanski. He isn't going to face the death penalty and our laws on sentencing aren't very discordant with Europe's on the matter. Again, you are all over the place, just aping the same old arguments you always make about sex laws, while
admitting to not actually following what said laws are.
For example, how about explaining how our sentencing would be unreasonable to Europeans? I don't think you have any real idea what the difference in sentencing for this kind of crime would be. The majority of French people want him extradited. And Poland is making laws mandating chemical castration for pedophiles.
The notion that this is European rejection of unreasonable American punishment is simply baseless.
Quote:My main point is that justice is no longer obtainable on the sex charge thus should be dropped or else considered finished with time served.
I know, and that isn't logically consistent with your claims that you want there to be a line that excludes 13-year-olds from sexual predation.
Quote:If the Americans want to ring him up for running then they need to file new charges. Otherwise this is over.
False. Just because he ran does not mean the original charges go away.
Quote:Please try to follow along Robert....I know that you are a smart guy.
This is an
emperor's new clothes argument trying to cover up that you aren't making any sense.