No, I'm saying that a nation is better of if governed by barbers and taxi drivers...
Europeans seem never to learn from their own history if would seem.
So you are far more moral and have far more right to have your voice hear by government then a man who earn his living by driving a cab by your own judgment?
Sorry but I do not see that as following and Americans as a whole does not see that as following and looking at the sad sad history of Europe compare to the US you would have a hard road to travel to convince us that a self appointed elite is a better way of governing a country.
So good old Prince Charles for example has a higher IQ then his driver? I would not bet a large sum on that being true or even that he had a better understanding of the world or economic or whatever other subject you might bring up.
Knowledge and education is no longer tie so tightly into class and IQ never had any real connection with class.
Europe class driven to this day how sad for your society.