Yep. It must be you! I can see it!
Me neither, so it must be you
Geocities images can't be duplicated....................
Thanks, Ceili, for that theater poster link awhile back. I really like Robert Heindel's work. Here's more - (Dance Art)
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Winged Lion of Venice
ok, ok, now I need to post the picture...
But, I like this one better -

Another winged lion of Venice
So mythological animals it is:
ooooooooh, who is that???
Oops, forgot, I can click on the picture and find out.
Perugia! That's not the griffon, or whatever the whatsit is in the piazza IV Novembre, is it? Or, is it?
Grifone perugino, certamente signorina.
Actually, it's the logo of the Perugia football (soccer) squad.