What qualifies a man to talk about an issue like feminism?

Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2009 04:47 pm
If ever the Catholic church changes it position on abortion and birth control it will cease to be a religion.
In what manner would it not longer be a religion?
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2009 04:51 pm
It would have lost its bearings.
Diest TKO
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2009 05:44 pm
Spendi - You opinions are noted. I'm being patient with you, but you're not making it easy. So far, what you offer is incredibly self serving, and very chauvinistic.

Direct question: Do you think that men are superior to women? It sounds like you do, or at least that YOU are superior, and oppressed at that (see "dealt a bad hand argument"). It seems like this is yet another topic that you just want to be about you.

Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2009 05:57 pm
It would have lost its bearings
In other word you would not support or care for that religion to move in that direction. It still would be a religion however even if you now disagreeing with one of it positions.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2009 06:13 pm
@Diest TKO,
Direct question: Do you think that men are superior to women? It sounds like you do, or at least that YOU are superior, and oppressed at that (see "dealt a bad hand argument"). It seems like this is yet another topic that you just want to be about you.
My I do not know about our friend position but you would need to be a PC fool to claim that the abilities of men and women as two classes overlap in a perfect manner.

Men tend to be stronger and better mathematicians for example as a class and women as a class tend to be far better at interpersonal relationships and in handing some forms of stress.

Men tend to be far more belligerence then women and on and on we go we are not carbon copies of each other.

However superiority is a value judgment that depend on what abilities someone value more then others.
Diest TKO
Reply Sun 20 Sep, 2009 09:34 pm
BillRM wrote:
However superiority is a value judgment that depend on what abilities someone value more then others.

I'm asking spendi a value question, so yes. I'm gathering from his posts that he thinks women are superior at being in a kitchen and sewing, but otherwise are out of place doing things like having jobs.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 04:52 am
@Diest TKO,
Spendi - You opinions are noted. I'm being patient with you, but you're not making it easy. So far, what you offer is incredibly self serving, and very chauvinistic.

I cannot see how you arrive at such conclusions. It might be a way of winning an argument in your world to make such silly assertions but it isn't in mine.

Superiority doesn't enter into it.

A lady of some experience and talent just walked into the room. So I asked her--"what do you think of feminists?". She replied--"I think they are ****". I said, "I think they are dangerous". She replied, "Yes--dangerous". I replied, "dangerous to women I mean". She replied, "Yes--dangerous to women." And she added- "They've become unfashionable."

She doesn't think women should vote. She told of a woman she knows who voted for Mr Blair because he had nice teeth. She added that she likes chivalry. Men opening doors and standing up to allow her a seat. Men who tell her not to worry her pretty little head about politics and to hand her a box of chocolates with a nice ribbon round it with a neat bow. She wants the fire brigade to consist of fit, strong men. And the army.

It's nature TK. The incalcuable discrepancy between number of sperm and the number of eggs. The vulnerabilty of women when pregnant or nursing and rearing. The evolutionary division of function. Men are expendable. Women are special. They need protection and cosseting and to retire from the dinner table when talk turns to the orderly management of society. They are not designed for jumping up and down, getting up early, parking cars, fighting, objectivity, waiting and guilt. They are designed by evolution for more important tasks such as making men strain and sweat.

Of course, if they are made to get up early, park cars, fight, pretend to be objective, wait patiently and feel remorse it eats away at their cellular structures and they gradually feel the need for some wellness education so it is perfectly understandable that a wellness educator will promote women doing those things in order to maintain a steady and growing supply of customers which eventually results in queues of patiently waiting women seeking his advice and looking up to him as their saviour.

Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 06:33 am
@Diest TKO,
Sorry Gala, but you're just far off on this. The social perception of virginity differs between men and women. I'm not saying that it should, but it does. Mystique to men? You think that women are less concerned on the topic of a women's virginity? How is this mystique to men? Most of the comments I've ever received about the difference in perception, have come from women. If talking about mystique, could it not be the females mystique with the man's social allowance to be promiscuous and rewarded?

Of course it differs between men and women, however, I believe this topic would be best left to the 13-18 year olds to parse through. As far as I'm concerned, virgininty ought not be the emphasis so much as sexuality. In the end, virginity doesn't really matter (unless you're super religious).

As for the moral subjugation, that still exists maybe on a high school level.

I recall being in my teens and knowing how perilous having a sex life would be among my peers, especially with the jaw wagging. So I did what any self-respecting girl would do-- I didn't choose to lose my virginity with some pimply-faced peer who would blabber to all his pals about it being a conquest. I decided it would be best to go with an older more experienced man, so as to enjoy the experience.
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 07:38 am
conquest. I decided it would be best to go with an older more experienced man, so as to enjoy the experience.
I can only hope your older man enjoyed the experience to the degree of risking a few decades in prison.
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 08:44 am
I recall being in my teens and knowing how perilous having a sex life would be among my peers, especially with the jaw wagging. So I did what any self-respecting girl would do-- I didn't choose to lose my virginity with some pimply-faced peer who would blabber to all his pals about it being a conquest. I decided it would be best to go with an older more experienced man, so as to enjoy the experience.

that is not allowed, and besides that is not right. This abuser must have used his power to trick you into thinking that you wanted it. It is not your fault it is his. That even now you don't see this just goes to show how traumatized you are. Please, come in to see us, we can help you to get over this!
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 08:59 am
It was consensual and I wasn't 11.
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 09:01 am
In retrospect, you're onto something. I was coerced, brainwashed, unable to make the decision on my own. I wonder if the Stachoots of Limitations have expired, I may have to round this guy up and throw him in the pokey.
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 09:09 am
and get him on a sex offenders list so that he has a hard time finding a place to live or work, which will of course destroy any family that he has and rub out any bank he has accumulated. But we can not allow young girls to be abused....zero tolerance! You are ready to testify against him right? If not please see our counselors so that they can help you to see why you must. Only you can do this, put this abuser away, save all of the little girls who would be his next victims.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 09:33 am
You are making some assumptions there Bill.

One might do Gala the honour of presuming that she was of legal age when she chose that option. It is an option she is perfectly entitled to choose in that case I think. And I imagine it is a fairly sensible option bearing in mind the nature of pimply-faced youths who are known to be unable to control themselves for more than a minute or two. And will blab the news round the neighbourhood as Gala correctly assumed.

What could be better than a man of experience "showing her the ropes"?

The age of consent, which is an interference with a lady's right to control her body; a fundamental precept of feminists, is 16 here in the UK. I myself have performed the service Gala mentions with two young ladies of 18, when I was in my late 20s, alas now but a feeble memory, and I was not conscious that I risked anything in the way of a legal sanction. Some disapproving stares from my fellow sportsmen maybe which I put down to rancid envy at the time. Still do actually.

I was, of course, not aware at the time I was being used in this exploititive manner. I was led to believe, by an intelligence too subtle for me to deal with, that I had charmed them down from their perch due to my abundance of attractions. It was admitted later that they had merely sought my advice and when it was I asked the usual question--"How did I do then?"-- and that holding out of the equivocally wagging hand was the reply. They also got me to write some of their homework essays. Their tutors were gobsmacked.

Stendhal, in his unfinished tale Amiel, has his heroine waylay a passing stranger in a country lane and boldly ask him to show her the ropes as a prelude to relocating to the big city to try her fortune. And Stendhal loved women so much he wrote books about them as a warning to the up and coming hopefuls. And they are justly famous and none moreso than his De l'Amour in which he is so in love he is delivered of his senses.

I dare say that a fair number of famous Hollywood vamps had employed the method. One wouldn't as a looker, and they will be lookers, wish to pull a producer on the first night on the Boulevard and not know what to do. Although I must admit some producers might be impressed with that. It being so rare and all. A good tutor would always din into her that whatever happens she should always pretend to be a virgin if circumstances are in the least favourable. To be able to do Olga's member's profile like Marilyn could.

It'll likely be a looker who would request such a service. A finishing school only goes so far. One wouldn't wish to nip a promising career in the bud would one?
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 10:23 am
Consensual does not matter one little bit if you was under the age of consent and in my state that age is higher for any adult older then 23 or so having sex with a minor.
So if you older male was out of his earily 20s you was placing him at great risk.
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 10:35 am
The age of consent, which is an interference with a lady's right to control her body; a fundamental precept of feminists, is 16 here in the UK. I myself have performed the service Gala mentions with two young ladies of 18, when I was in my late 20s, alas now but a feeble memory, and I was not conscious that I risked anything in the way of a legal sanction. Some disapproving
The problem here is that we are not just talking about a young female rights how about the rights of any child that might had been concept to have at least a mother old enough to have the ability to raise him or her and not in fact be a child herself.

How about the rights of her parents not to be force to raise another generation because she enjoyed her rights of having sex?

The rights of the society as a whole not to be burden by the results of having a child born to a child?

I am a atheist however the Catholic Church is right in one regard sex is more then for enjoyment.
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 10:45 am
I put him at risk? Er, I think he had something to do with the decision.
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 10:59 am
You've summed it up well, thanks.

The age of consent, which is an interference with a lady's right to control her body; a fundamental precept of feminists, is 16 here in the UK. I myself have performed the service Gala mentions with two young ladies of 18, when I was in my late 20s, alas now but a feeble memory, and I was not conscious that I risked anything in the way of a legal sanction. Some disapproving stares from my fellow sportsmen maybe which I put down to rancid envy at the time. Still do actually.

I was, of course, not aware at the time I was being used in this exploititive manner. I was led to believe, by an intelligence too subtle for me to deal with, that I had charmed them down from their perch due to my abundance of attractions. It was admitted later that they had merely sought my advice and when it was I asked the usual question--"How did I do then?"-- and that holding out of the equivocally wagging hand was the reply. They also got me to write some of their homework essays. Their tutors were gobsmacked.

And thanks for this additonal entertaining and appropriate information.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 11:01 am
The problem here is that we are not just talking about a young female rights how about the rights of any child that might had been concept to have at least a mother old enough to have the ability to raise him or her and not in fact be a child herself.

How about the rights of her parents not to be force to raise another generation because she enjoyed her rights of having sex?

The rights of the society as a whole not to be burden by the results of having a child born to a child?

We call them condoms.
Reply Mon 21 Sep, 2009 11:37 am
How about the rights of her parents not to be force to raise another generation because she enjoyed her rights of having sex?

What rights? They brought her into the world and they get what they get. Are we to suppose that the parents have the right to tell someone who didn't ask to be here how to react to the world when that world has changed from that the parents grew up in? Some people forego parenthood because of that.

And who said anything about babies arriving on the scene? It's the pimply youths who are experts in that regard. An older experienced man would make sure no babies were produced.

Who is to say whether a young woman is fit to be a mother? Nature obviously does.

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