Quote:That is my position--yes. I think the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. I've gone through it on those threads pretty comprehensively. I think the gents concerned are unaware of their role. Saps in other words. The science side has seduced them with its bigwordisms and those reverent tones of certainty you hear on science programmes. To an audience, at a reception or party, which knows no science apart from how to turn the light on, they can hold forth on a very thin veneer of scientific knowledge.
I don't think very many discerning readers are fooled into believing anything other than that they know exactly the same amount that any of us can know from study and reading - and that's nowhere near everything.
Quote:But they want to interfere in schools. Now that's serious stuff Rebecca. And the direction they wish to take schools is right up the feminist street.
I don't buy this solely 'feminist' connection. Even if it inadvertently supports what you would view as a feminist agenda- I don't buy the fact that science, as a historically predominantly male discipline- has any great respect or allegiance for feminism or feminists.
Quote:It is because Christianity is in opposition to the liberal agenda regarding sexual matters that it is being targeted. Evolution and science are the sticks to beat it with.
People who are in opposition to Christianity oppose it on many different fronts - only one of which is sexual and reproductive freedom. And actually science and evolution support the efficacy of what has historically been viewed as the manifestation of judeo/christian sexual practice and tradition moreso than what's taken its place. So if they're using those sticks to beat it with, they're trading in falsehoods.
Quote:I just wish they would declare that for one year women could have everything they asked for. By law.
But didn't you say this because you think that at the end of that year, they'd be begging to go back to the old system?
So why wouldn't they say this?:
Quote:okay we have enough equality and we don't want anything else". Can you?
I don't know spendius. I've never been made to feel less than because I was a female. So as I said before on this thread, I've always felt that for me personally, I've had enough equality. Even in my field of employment, salary was based on level of education and years of experience and has been exactly the same for men and women since the day I started working. I've never felt disadvantaged by my gender. If anything- as I said - I've felt rewarded.
But I can say that because of where I am. If I were in Iran or Afghanistan - I'm sure I'd feel differently.
So yes, I can see some women feeling happy with the amount of equality they get, as long as they're respected as human beings.
But some human beings (men and women) will always want something more or different than what they're offered. And that's a function of personality -or unfulfilled needs-not gender.
Quote:If you changed the genders in my statement it wouldn't work. I know a few blokes like the controlled, hooked and positively addicted woman but I don't think they are a large number.
Well, yeah, not any more, because feminism changed all that.
Quote: And I think they would soon get fed up with it. We certainly don't see those in ads except ones with heavy irony.
Because for the majority of history, at least outwardly, that's the way it really was. But it's no longer politically correct or humorous to portray that.
Quote:But how often do we see controlling women. If they were ironic the product wouldn't sell. One wouldn't demonstrate a scented underarm disinfectant spray on a Margaret Rutherford type who had never shaved. Which is sexist in some ways. It shows not all the sisters are equal..
Yeah - because it IS ironic- tongue in cheek- men know the woman isn't really in control- except maybe sexually- where they seem to act as if they are putty in a sexy woman's hands (well, not exactly putty...in the right hands (sorry couldn't resist)

Those ads are not about real day to day companionship and partner relationships - those ads (where the woman is controlling) are about sex. The question I have - is who gets off on them? I know I don't. Do you?
There's your answer.
I asked:
Quote: Do men not understand that heterosexual women like them just as much as heterosexual men like women?
You said:
Think again.
You know I think it's sexist to believe that a man loves the feminine more than a female loves the masculine.
Why should the male attraction to the female be any more real or stronger than the female attraction to the male?
Are you guys special or something?